Inglot Cosmetics - European/Polish brand


Well-known member
I don't think they had a Birthday sale in August this year, but I'm counting on the Black Friday sale in November. I
Oops, you are right, the link I posted as for last year, idk why I thought it was this year >.< Well, now I dont need to feel bad for missing it :D


Well-known member
I have been trying to buy Inglot online for about 2 years, and finally they have an Australian website! I was recently in Sydney and honestly did not go near the place because people were going crazy at the counter and nothing was priced - now I know why they were going nuts - $10/eyeshadow!
I've been kind of obsessed with creating an eyeshadow palette lately, I am so into this freedom system! My only question for you guys is - how do they ship those little refill pans? I'm hoping they come in boxes or something...does anyone have any experience with this?


Well-known member
I have been trying to buy Inglot online for about 2 years, and finally they have an Australian website! I was recently in Sydney and honestly did not go near the place because people were going crazy at the counter and nothing was priced - now I know why they were going nuts - $10/eyeshadow! :sheep:  I've been kind of obsessed with creating an eyeshadow palette lately, I am so into this freedom system! My only question for you guys is - how do they ship those little refill pans? I'm hoping they come in boxes or something...does anyone have any experience with this? 
Do you mean are they individually packaged? Yes. Each shadow is in it's own slim box and plastic sealed thing. If you mean your actual should arrive in a box (both of mine did). I assume they ship the same else where as they do in the US unless shipping requirement are different in a particular country.


Well-known member
Oh that sounds great! I've never seen any of them individually packaged, so I was a bit worried about how they would come. I am so freaking excited they have finally gotten their online store together, I have been wondering what their price point would be here for ages, and I've been dying to get some great quality mattes for ages.


Well-known member
Ooh, Inglot thread! I only have a 4 pan freedom palette but I love it! Inglot is the only brand where I don't get fallout on glitter shades. Well, not much fallout, anyway. My only issue is I can't get the pans out of the palette, so I can't remember which ones I got! I know you're supposed to be able to used the lid magnets but they don't seem to work for me. :/ I think I have 319 (matte pastel pink), 368 (matte pastel orange), 471 (matte army green with glitter), and a light gray matte with glitter that I have no idea what the number is!


About how to remove the pans from the palettes I have found something....I have various freedom palettes and the magnet lid of the double freedom palettes is a bit bigger than the others. Thouse are the only ones to remove the pans safely.

The round pans are easier to remove, but for the rectangle pans this is the only way I found to remove them safly without scatches.

Ex Customer

New member
Treatment by staff and Manager at Inglot Store in Ireland

I am disgusted at how I was treated as a Customer by Inglot in Ireland. I was a regular customer who would make regular bookings to get my makeup done. I was subjected to appalling bullying by the staff and the Manager at Inglot. I was labelled "Shopaholic, Prostitute, She Can't Work" every time I would visit the store. I was subjected to comments of this nature on a regular basis. Have the staff not ever heard of the legal term "Defamation of Character"? As a repeat customer, I would spend €250 on Inglot products every month on average. For the record, I shop once a year which is none of the staff or Manager's business. As for "Prostitute" which is not true, I always worked. I worked two jobs on average 16 hours a day and I am single and have been single for a few years now. I don't celebrate my life that way and I found that remark most hurtful to subject a woman to this label. I love getting my hair done, my makeup and meeting my friends over dinner on a Friday night in a very nice venue and I am disgusted by the comments that I was subjected to when I would book in for a makeover by the makeup artists. I would sit on a high chair in close proximity to the staff and the Manager and almost immediately the gossip would start. Prostitute was constantly mentioned and I was pointed out to staff on a regular basis. The staff would laugh into my face as I am about to get my makeover done. I had no idea why this was happening and I have no idea why I was so bullied by them. For the record, I don't celebrate my life this way and as for work I have third level qualifications from University and I have international corporate experience to which I worked hard to achieve. I was subjected to bullying and harassment from the staff at Inglot when I was a loyal customer to the brand and ironically they were branding me a Prostitute. It was that severe and that level of bullying that I feel you need to be aware of. I did visit other stores in close proximity to Inglot and they were also informed of the label which they were putting on me and I was watched in their stores. They had no regard for me as a woman, a person, a human being and the damage this would do to me as I visit the Store in the future. I would drive home in a daze. I could not understand why they would say this about me and be happy to do so. They had such a laugh that I am still in shock how I was treated. I have always been very nice to the staff and Manager and would recommend friends colleagues to go there but now I don’t wear Inglot makeup anymore, I would never recommend Inglot to anyone not even a stranger ever. I was laughed at when I would make a booking. This is not professional behaviour at all. This is not how you deal with the public and this is not how you expand your brand. Customer loyalty is key to a success in any brand but you will not keep your customer base if your staff are behaving this way. I contacted Inglot Ireland to post this and the server went down. They are obviously not interested in feedback re their staff. They need to retrain their staff in customer service and understand that repeat business is vital if they are to survive in an econmic downturn.


Well-known member
My Inglot list for the sale:
Nail polish remover
Nail Whitener
Nail Strengthener
Sparkling Nail Art Enamel 52 holo silver liner
Nail Art Enamel 29 white liner
Dream Collection Nail Enamel 203 cool duotone blue/green effect
O2M Nail Enamel base, top coat, 672+602 for french manicure, 603 cute sparkly pink, 647 black with red sparkle




Staff member
[COLOR=000000]I am disgusted at how I was treated as a Customer by Inglot in Ireland.  I was a regular customer who would make regular bookings to get my makeup done.  I was subjected to appalling bullying by the staff and the Manager at Inglot.  I was labelled  "Shopaholic, Prostitute, She Can't Work" every time I would visit the store. I was subjected to comments of this nature on a regular basis.[/COLOR]
You should take it to the brand directly: If people at the top (above your local store's manager, that is) know you were treated like :censored: and abused by staff and a manager, and they actually care about it, something will be done. Something definitely should be done, at any rate, because for not just staff but A STORE MANAGER -- someone who is supposed to set an example of professionalism for their staff -- to verbally abuse a customer (loyal or otherwise) is WRONG. Yes, what you experienced is ABUSE. Bullying is abuse.


Specktra Bestie
So... the Freedom System is excluded from the Black Friday sale? Aw... I usually haul some (40+) shadows. I'll have to skip the sale this year to save up for RiRi, MN, and PC.


Well-known member
Just called and asked about combining the Pro discount and the Black Friday discount. As I figured, it's a no-go, at least according to the person I spoke to. HTH


Well-known member
So... the Freedom System is excluded from the Black Friday sale? Aw... I usually haul some (40+) shadows. I'll have to skip the sale this year to save up for RiRi, MN, and PC.
Palettes and accessories(brushes etc) are excluded from what I understand.

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