Insanely mad!!! Rant...


Well-known member
I do think it says something about the character of your sister to make empty promises, especially when she won such a large sum of money, but on the other hand, I think it's a tad ridiculous to expect her to pay for a boob job for you? I dunno.

I think she should pay you back all the money she apparently owes you, and in the future not make promises she can't keep. In the end though, it is her money and she can spend it as she sees fit.


Well-known member
The bottom line is, if she wouldn't or couldn't deliver on something, she shouldn't have promised it. I feel like whether that promise was for something superficial (like money), or anything else, she still went back on her word. And i'm assuming that is what has hurt you more than the fact that you won't be able to get a boob job.
All i'd say is not to let it compromise your actions towards her. You've always helped her, so continue to do so. Don't let her inconsistancy make you bitter.
Call it a lesson learned, even the people you love the most let you down sometimes.