Insomnia wins again v. new painting


Well-known member
Well I couldn't sleep tonight and whenever I closed my eyes I just kept seeing this painting. So I painted it lol. I also saw another more detailed one too that I'll probably paint later this week.

[If this shouldn't be in here then it can be moved or deleted or whatever]

It's still a bit of a work in progress but you guys can have the gist of it.

It's acrylic on canvas (16"X20") and I'm really sorry for the really crappy pictures but my mom took my camera on her cruise so I'm left with either film camera (which means no pictures right now) or my webcam. So I chose webcam (in two weeks I'll repost up some newer pictures taking during the day and everything if you guys want)

But here you guys go, I hope you enjoy it. It's called Waking Nirvana because I was in a very Zen mood when I painted it lol.



If any of you want to see some of my other work you can see my online porfolio here -->


Well-known member
Originally Posted by happy*phantom
Hey, that's very colourful and meditative! Good work and it reminds me of something I made last year. Wanna see? Click here:
It's inspired by Amadeo Modigliani's works of art, so don't wonder about the long neck!

very nice it does look very modigliani, i like his style. i've been thinking of buying a few of his prints lately but i honestly don't have room for any more art since i don't have room for half the stuff i have.