interest in modeling


Well-known member
hey guys
so , Im interested in modeling. I've been so for a while and my friends started telling me I should, but never really thought too hard about it. I recently did the Queer Fashion show that i posted in say cheese in which i was a model and people told me i should be a model and that got me thinking of it again . But, I am only like 5 '7" (i was once measured as that then to weeks ago i went to the doctor & they said i was 5 5, i don't know what's up with that, a size 8 so i think that's out. But anywho, what about print modeling?
where would i even start? How do you start a portfolio? The only pics I have are the ones on here and the ones we take for fun, no professional looking ones! I'll be going back to los angeles after graduating so maybe is there some places there?
im so lost lol.

thanks in advance for any help


Well-known member
First off if you're about 5'6'/5'7'' you'll be tall enough, size matter's but it's more how your body looks. The best way to start a portfolio is to find a trustworthy photog in your area (might want to even check out some photog student at colleges). You'll want head shots in natural mu, and depending on what kind of modelling you want to get into some editorial style too. Do NOT put nudes in your porfolio, most agencies think this is tacky. You will however want full body shots, bust shots. A dozen photos should be enough to start with. Find some agencies and drop by to make an appointment. If it's something you want to do then keep trying as your first try may result in failure.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Hmmm most models are like 5'9-5'11, if you are seriously 5'5 you might have a hard time finding work. Also, age is a factor as well, a lot of models get into the business at 16, 17 or so...starting from scratch in the mid 20s range, I think it's going to be an uphill battle.

Maybe speak to a few agencies and see what your chances are first, to try and go about it from a more realistic perspective, it's good to get feedback from people in the biz.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
^Depends on what type modeling you are talking about. I think that she's not interested in runway and that what you are talking about. Models come in all shapes and sizes. But I must warn you that Ford models and so consider a US size 10 as a plus size model. Best bet would be to start a portfolio with different facial expressions. Have one with you stand in a T pose wearing a slight heel showing some leg but not too much. Wear form fitting clothing but not skin tight clothing. Also, have makeup as neutral as you can. They don't really care what you look like with makeup because that only enhances you. Also, have your hair pulled back. Take your portfolio to a local agency and go from there. Good luck and if you have any more questions please don't hesitate to PM me.