Interesting Commentary

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Some would call us paranoid.

Yeah, the close minded people that believe the government should tell them when to shit.


Well-known member
Well, in instances like Katrina, or the massive tornadoes, or something like that, where does government responsibility begin/end?

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Well, in instances like Katrina, or the massive tornadoes, or something like that, where does government responsibility begin/end?

Government should be there to act as a tool for the people to govern themselves.

Example....the government should be the gun in a killers hand....not the killer himself.

There are also responsibilities of the gonvernment to protect or help it's people from attacks from other countries or natural disasters.

The whole welfare/medicaid/stimulous plans/forclosure extension...shit like that needs to end.


Well-known member
We cannot allow this country to turn into a socialist nanny state where everyone wants a hand out from the government. That is not the role of government at all. And it is irresponsible at best to hold a view that the government should redistribute others wealth.

We have listened to some incredibly ignorant statements lately concerning basic economics. Most of this rhetoric is spewed from college students (not all students) that have no experiential reality in life yet.

This hatred of "Big Business" ...where the hell else are you going to get a job unless you create your own??? (Yes, there are abuses ) Politicians promising jobs for your vote...ridiculous...government spends it does NOT create.

My husband and I have owned our own separate businesses for 12 years now. Previous to this we had gone though job loss, fixed salary, no health insurance, on & on. We chose not to rely on the government, but create our own way through hard work. Now we make at least 5 times what we did working for someone else. Why should we work our butts off just to hand it over to the government so they can redistribute it to a.) another country, or b.) some other lazy person who 'feels' that they should get a free ride - I am referring to some incredible statements that people feel that government is responsible to provide for them.

Our companies actually provide jobs for other people! If the government keeps taking more & more taxes out of companies/people to redistribute, then there is less to operate out of and people lose jobs. The end result is a socialist state where everyone is sucking off the government tit for survival. It's never worked.

Everyone wants 'free' health are you going to pay for it? TAXES and on & on it goes. We raised our son without health care and paid our own way. No one paid for our childs health care & we don't want to work to pay for everyone elses kids. One solution would be to allow small businesses or persons to buy into a larger pool to obtain better health insurance at cheaper rates. I've yet to hear anyone even mention that!

We have friends & neighbors that are jealous that we live well now, but they don't stop to think that while they are sitting & eating chips and watching soap operas & american idol, we are usually working. So along the same redistribution of wealth idea, should those same friends & neighbors be allowed to come into our home and take out of it what they would want to have without our consent or their paying for it. Thats a small microcosm of how the class envy thing works.

We do provide charity ( quietly & with humility) for those who have needs around us. This should come from the private sector. It actual works better coming through the private sector than through government. The churches were much better in helping & providing for the Katrina victims than the government.

So much to say about this subject...


Well-known member
Our current democratic candidates are really pounding on the politics of change - only none of them have any realistic changes to offer, only more of the same entitlements that citizens are coming more and more to expect. Change for the sake of change isn't necessarily better. Since no one ever mentions the ideas Ron Paul has, I don't see a lot of hope within the republican candidates either.

I'd like to see candidates offer solutions for energy independence. The nutjob in Venezuela is threatening to cut off oil sales to the US because we don't want our companies in Venezuela to be nationalized. Imagine what that'll do our economy if that happens.

Now imagine even further how the hell we became beholden to many of our enemies in the first place; short term thinking is what got us there. We really don't have any true leaders that are willing to think of the big picture and act for the long term.

Long term ideals we should be stretching for:

1. Energy independence so we can tell Hugo Chavez and the Middle East to go pound sand.
2. Quit selling our businesses to foreign interests; how many of our staple American companies are now in the hands of those with European, Asian and Middle east interests?
3. Stop corporate welfare. If an industry can't make it without government subsidies, it shouldn't be in business.
4. Stop offering benefits to illegal immigrants and stop offering citizenship to their anchor babies. Close the borders and penalize employers who hire them.
5. Lack of health insurance isn't the freaking problem people! Lack of access to good health care IS. And why is that? See #6.
6. Unions have outlived their usefulness. Falsely inflated union wages, pensions and health benefits are one of the primary causes for sending so many jobs overseas. I do what I can to give my business to NONUNION companies.
7. Tell your elected officials to reread the fuckin' Constitution and either recall or opt NOT to vote for those who obviously have no idea what it means.

Done ranting at least for now!


Well-known member
I actually listened to Ron Paul on a whole segment that was given to him on Glenn Becks TV program. Glenn did have him on to clarify some things for some of the crazies (that support RP) that threatened to kill, yes kill Glenn Beck & his family...geesh

He did have some very truthful & good things to say!


Well-known member
I listen to Coast to Coast from time to time. I know a lot of truckers that keep me posted of good topics. I like the show. I will certainly be listening in for that show.


Well-known member
Sometimes, I feel that the people don't actually chose the president. It's done for us. (I know the tin hat theory). Especially with this election, I don't care who you want, I think it's all planned out (sometimes).

A friend of mine had a really interesting theory. He said- he thought there would be another attack on the country somewhere. You know what would happen and you know who would be well forever your automatic (tin hat off).

You know the old saying, "Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you."