Internet sex auction sparks paternity lawsuit


Well-known member
I am slow this morning. So, six guys won a sex date with this woman. Each of them had sex with her. She got pregnant by one of them and wants to do the right thing legally. hmmmm What a confusing world!


Well-known member
WTF!?! why did you sleep with them I'm assuming unprotected, wait why dd she sleep with men she only knew by their username? i'm so confused nd how the hell is she going to explain this one when that baby wants to know where he/she came from.


Well-known member
She engages in risky behaviour by allowing herself to be "sold" on an internet auction and then wants to find the father? Jeez. It just sounds like high class hooking and I'm thinking prostitutes don't try and find which john got them pregnant.

This is sick that the courts are allowing this to tie up people's time and waste taxpayer dollars. Ugh!


Well-known member
That's pretty gross. I'd be more interested in her getting STD testing than finding out who the father is.


Well-known member
Idiots, the lot of them. I think the men are dumber than that women, why on earth would they not use a condom!!!!

Poor kid.

"Mommy, who's my daddy?
"Well you see, Stevie, mommy needed cash so she hired herself out on the Interwebz and slept with 6 bidders, your daddy's name is 'bigdick69' but I don't know his real name."


Well-known member
I really don't know what to say. That's insane... no it's insanely insane.


Well-known member
If I were a man and won a sex auction on ebay (gross!) then I'd be so scared if stds that id put on 14 condoms on top of each other.

Why did the men have unprotected sex with a woman who sells herself to the highest bodder? Shouldnt that say something about the type of person she is?


Well-known member
So today
What good healthy thing could I do??...

Mmm let's put an auction online to catch a STD!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
"Mommy, who's my daddy?
"Well you see, Stevie, mommy needed cash so she hired herself out on the Interwebz and slept with 6 bidders, your daddy's name is 'bigdick69' but I don't know his real name."

lol i read this and spit up my drink


Well-known member
I see where you're coming from, but the fact that they purchased her services in an auction tells us something about the type of men they are as well.

ITA, although I can see that it didnt come across in my post.