Interview for Counter Manager Position


New member
I come to this board to get some great advice. So I was hoping someone can help me out on this. I had an interview with Estee Lauder for a Counter Manager Position at Macy's. I interviewed with the cosmetic manager- she liked the Estee Lauder Rep called me for another interview tomorrow. She told me to bring anything about myself that I can, and any questions that I can. I am also an esthetician with experience in retail in cosmetics, skin care products (all kinds of retail), and manager experience. I'm not sure what to bring of myself? I do freelance for photographers (trying to build a portfolio), and also what questions? I plan on studying up on all the company background. Is there any in particular I should or can do?

Thanks to anyone who responds!!!



Hey, did you get the counter manager job with EL? I start tomorrow in that position and was hoping to meet other people in the forum that work for them too. I will be at Dillards. Lisa


New member
Originally Posted by alisaab
Hey, did you get the counter manager job with EL? I start tomorrow in that position and was hoping to meet other people in the forum that work for them too. I will be at Dillards. Lisa

When you interviewed, please help me out, how did the interview go, what were the questions she asked and did you get the job??? I too am going to interview for Estee Lauder counter manager... help!!!!!!!!!!!!