Interview with MAC Manager... my mind is blank


Well-known member
ive been pressured to apply at Nordstrom from alot of my friends and i finally got around to applying to Nordstrom to work and i was offered a job at the MAC counter - i went in for the first interview on the 3rd which was brief and short but i know i blew her away with all my work skills and shit like that lol...and next on the 11th i have a meeting with the Manager of Makeup from Nordstrom.. i have no idea what i am going to do, a night and day look? Just talk...whatnot... when i worked for Stila they hired me and thats it. no night and day... but i wasnt there for very long....and here's the thing i dont have one clue what to wear! (makeup wise, im wearing a vintage puff sleeved button down and a cute little A-line skirt with white little heels)

here's afew choices of what i think i should wear that day on my eyes

Blue Pigment, Freshwater (liner) Meadowland (lid) Metamorph (outter lid) Vanilla (highlight) - Blue peep F/l mixed with blue pigment (waterline)

Beautiful Iris (inner lid) Parfair Amour (outer lid) Au Contraire (crease) Idol Eyes (all over) Non Comformist f/l mixed with plum e/s (waterline)

Goldmine (inner lid) Orange Tangent (middle to outter of lid) Sunsplosion (crease) BLitz & Glitz f/l (liner and waterline)

Paradisco (inner lid to middle) Swish (outter lid) Sushi Flower (crease) Frostline f/l mixed with swish (waterline)

Shimmermint s/s (lid) Lucky green (inner lid) Golden Olive (middle lid) Humid (crease) Shade f/l waterline

Mangomix s/s (lid) Goldbit (inner) Elite (outer) Amber lights (crease)

i dunno what i want to do... i am really leaning towards anything with paradisco in it.. i look so damn good in it.. or that new blue pigment.. i might go blue pigment inner and ANti-establishment/black tied on the outter. but thats alittle too dark for the day... and what would i wear on my lips ( ive been sucking my Jubilee l/s dry whenever i wear blues/turqioises its the same exact colour as my lips )

so please help me choose something to wear for that interview or whatever it is...


Well-known member
ooooh i LOVE the 1st combo with the blue pigment, and the 4th with paradisco! since u KNOW u look good in paradisco, go for it cos when u r comfortable with what u r wearing, u SHINE!!! gawd i'm SOOO happy 4 u! i hope u'll post whatever look u decide to go with, and keep us posted!!! good luck!!!


Well-known member
Hmm..yea I agreee..the first seems like it will look hot but if ur default amazing look is paradisco...hmm why dont you do both of on each eye and post so we can compare?


Well-known member
I agree with the all black for your interview, you want to look sophisticated and draw attention to your face only - wear the look that you look best in makeup wise. If you know you look hot in it wear it


Well-known member
I agree with the last two posts... all black. Even for the shoes! Be prepared to do a makeup demo that you wont know what it is until u get there... dont worry so much about different colours for your eyes... the day of you'll pick whatever u feel like you want to wear (Its great to practice your look but getting it to look the same twice... is almost always impossible) Oh and have fun... because thats the only thing that matters...


Well-known member
i would take pictures but i have no idea where the hell my camera is...i will have to dig it up to take afew pix of the eyshadows...the Vintage puff sleeve is black and the ILLIG skirt is black it looks like its from the 50s - the white shoes set it off. but if i will have to dig out the black winter heels and go all Viviane Westwood on them i just might have to...i only wear black and own black clothing anyways since im such a art fag lol. but with my eyes i am deciding between now Paradisco/Swish/Sushi Flower - or - Freshwater/Meadowland/Metamorph... but i dont want to look like Mimi from drew lol - so i am going to go with the Paradisco


Well-known member
LOL...mimi..good one. Well I personally think that the white shoes with the all white will give your outfit a little kick...So I would go for the white. Well good luck with the interview!


New member
Wear what you would wear if you were a MAC employee!!! ALL BLACK, period.

As far as your own makeup, it doesn't matter as long as it is well-blended. Wear what you like, whether it be natural or more dramatic.

Emphasize SALES skills. When you are doing the practice makeup, talk about the various product qualities, they care about sales skills much more than makeup skills.


Well-known member
Well I'm good with blending...phew!

I wanna clear this up because I'm abit confused some girls have been telling me its a 3 interview session and some say its 2 interviews...which one is it? I know orientation is on the 17th but I don't believe that is a part of thoes sessions


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lo-Fi_Thriller
well my ass is in
i start at the end of the month

!!!!! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lo-Fi_Thriller
well my ass is in
i start at the end of the month

Thats great! congrats!!!!! id love to work at mac...hope u enjoy it!

So did u end up going all black or did the white shoes come out to play?

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