Interview with MAC STORE(the infamous HOMA)


New member

So i was called in for an interview with HOma, the reginal director for the dc va md area. I am nervous as hell since ...i have little experience in makeup, eventhough im in school to be a skin care therapists. I have been ready older posts, about the demo, the interview process, what to wear and what not.... Can anybody give me a clear synopsis of what and what not to do ....for this 1st interview. Any insight would be great!! i really want this job!


I am a MAC freelancer so just a couple of quick tips:::be on the top of your game...sell, sell, sell, while you are doing your demo, and make sure your makeup/overall look is flawless at all interviews, go like you would show up for work and definately in all black...and of course have fun. Good Luck
Homa did my first interview @ the Towson store and although she appears intimidating, she really is a sweetheart. You have to be on top of your stuff and genuine. I went into the interview and was completely myself and she said, "I like you." She helped me find a position as a permanent artist. Hope you found success!!!!

Happy 2 b on Specktra lol