Interview with Macy's for Beauty Advisor but position has been closed out


New member
I have a interview with Macy's on Wednesday as a part-time beauty advisor. My background in cosmetic includes 6 years off and on as a MaryKay beauty consultant. I notice when I logged into Macy's jobs the job submission has been closed out is that a bad sign? I really would love to get this job.


Well-known member
Don't worry about the online postings. If you have an interview, just go for it and rock it. Often MAcys has more positions available than the website will state.

Ex: Not too long ago I was looking to start working in cosmetics again, so I interviewed with Shiseido for a counter manager position at a specific location. After I passed that, they told me to apply to MACYs so I could set up an interview with them. But the position wasn't even on the website, so they told me to just apply for any beauty position for that location. Then set up an interview with them for the position (although i ended up declining to go back to MAC instead)

Good luck to you!
i am a counter manager at benefit in macy's. When I applied the position was still open, but for reasons wihin their computer system I had to apply under store support also. I got the job and the position stayed up on the website for a few weeks, even after I was already working. Their systems do not always update often. like it was said before me, there are usually a lot of jobs that are not even listed. Give the interview your all and have a good time!


New member
Thanks I needed that. I am really excited about the interview I always do well and I am a friendly person. So I hope I get the job wish me luck. I will keep you guys posted


New member
so I have one more interview with another Macy's the first interview told me all they had coming up was on call positions. I hope I get the part time job i am interviewing with on Wednesday.