Interviewing for counter cosmetics at Macy's


New member
Hi, I'm new to Spektra but found this researching just certain questions I'm looking for insight on prior to my interview. I spent all summer doing assistant makeup work on advertising sets, and have a ton of retail experience but not with makeup. I am familiar with many cosmetic lines but am not sure what they are expecting meto know. Like HOW familiar are they expecting me to be. Kind of just curious what you think Macy's is looking for, any recommendations or pointers would be super helpful. Also anyone familiar with their interview process.

Ideally I wanted to work for Sephora, but I applied FOREVER ago and they never called back and wanted to start me as a part-time cashier.


Well-known member
I'm sure this varies by store or region. But, I know when I worked at Macy's you didn't have to know ANYTHING AT ALL to work in the cosmetics counters. You just had to know how to sell. But, that may also vary with the various cosmetics lines as well.

But I know for the sure the women at almost every counter except Mac had little to know makeup experience before getting hired. They learned on the job as they went. One girl got transferred out of the shoe department to work at the clinique counter. But she became pretty good in no time. So you sound like you have a leg up.