Is it illegal to sell fake MAC?


No I do not manufacture / distribute etc. counterfeit anything.

Im just asking because I was at the swap meet yesterday and saw a new little shop selling everything mac. Fake of course... Pigments were "numbered, not named", Lippies had there little name tag ripped off the bottom. Hello Kitty fakes galore. Just everything was fake you get the idea. Plus the salesman said,"I'll be getting new mac hk eyeshadows " , "oh the quads?", "no individual"... etc you get the idea. He basically chargers 2-5 dollars under normal price,still alot especially if its fake.

I was just wondering if its illegal..?

Would you do anything about it..?


Well-known member
Yes it is illegal, even if they advertise it as fake. We try to report fakes on ebay, but there really isn't much that you can do about it over the internet. Anyone can hide behind a computer screen; ya know?


Well-known member
Yeah it is illegal to sell counterfeit anything if it has a trademark or copyrights...But people sell anything they can get away with