Is it okay to use your fingers on clients?


New member
Is it okay to use your fingers on clients, or is that a big NO!?
For example: applying a moisturizer like (strobe) on the face first, and then priming the eye with a base/primer?

I was just wondering, because if I get called in for an interview at MAC, I'm sort of afraid to ask if I may, so this would just be a heads up!

I may end up asking the manager or whoever is there supervising me anyway, but I was just curious.

What are the Do's and Don'ts for working on clients?
*Basics at least*

Thank you for taking the time, to read this!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I would definitely not. It's always best to be as hygenic as possible plus if you use a brush the client might decide that they need it to apply whatever it is you're using, especially if it has other uses.


Well-known member
As your own freelance makeup artist, it's your rules and as long as your hands are clean, there shouldn't be a problem with it.
But keep in mind that at MAC, you're also trying to sell BRUSHES. If you don't demonstrate using the brushes, how will the customer know how great they work?
Plus, it's probably more sanitary.


Well-known member
ok well i can;t answer your question from MAC's point of view..
but, coincidently last friday i had a few products applied on my face by a MAC artist.. She used her finger to correct a mistake she made.. and at one point used her finger to blend some foundation a bit.. At the time, the only thing i thought was "Didn't i read on specktra that the MAC MUA's weren't supposed to use their fingers?" but really, I didn't care that she touched my face.. I probably wouldn't have even thought twice unless I had read something about it on here before...


Well-known member
mmm i don't know really. i've read that you shouldn't use your fingers. yet, i remember i was having foundation troubles, & an MA at the pro store in london said to me 'your fingers are your best tools', & i noticed that on the 'artists' section on the UK site, a lot of the MA's favourite tools are their fingers. but i'd go with no don't use your fingers, for reasons as said above.


Well-known member
The touching of your clients face is a definite NO in MAC world. Use a brush instead to apply those skin care items. If you need to touch your clients face at all for any reason, ask them first. ie. "I am just going to rest my hand against your cheek so I can apply your liner evenly, is that ok with you?"

If you want to use your hand to fix a mistake, use a tissue instead of your finger.

Some of the girls may use their finger, but I know my regional trainer is strict on no touching unless absolutely necessary.

Be interactive and ask questions of your client that are NOT yes or no answers. Be sure to SELL the products you are using, sales is a huge part of this job.

Good Luck!


I don't think you should use your hands on a client's face. I would definitely use a brush.. to me, it just seems more professional.. and plus, who wants anyones hands on them? Even if YOU know that your hands are in fact clean, the client might feel uncomfortable.. some people are serious germophobes (sp?). So yeah, def. use a brush!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member

The only way I could see it being even a smidgen of okay is if it was a close friends or family member, but even then, that's pushin it.

On a job, you always want to keep things as professional as possible.


Well-known member
You CAN use your hands to apply skincare, and use your fingers to blend concealers etc, but the key is to seek permission from the person you are working on every time.


Well-known member
I have always been the type to use whatever worked and I always throughly washed my hands before every client. I am a clean freak and would become really pissy if and when I see something that isn't sanitary. I would ask each client because the last thing you want are issues. Some people besides being germophobes actually have issues with closeness and passing over that line can make them feel guarded. I always had the tendency to use a puff puff to place on the cheek or chin when applying eyeliner if I needed a way to steady my hand. This way your aren't affecting any face make up you applied beforehand. Always keep q-tips and make up remover handy. Never blow on your brushes, either tap them to release extra product or learn how to flick your brush like a cigarette to get rid of the excess. I saw one girl who I guess thought she was giving a great tip on how to apply her glitter to her eyes (I do not watch her YouTube anymore... ) she wet her finger with saliva
and dipped it into a pot of MAC glitter then dabbed the mixure on her eye. I was disgusted. She claimed to have something to do with MAC but I highly doubt that. Looked like all she ever did was put make up on her young friends and sister in her garage.

Never be afraid to ask questions especially when it comes to hygiene, you would rather have the company backing you then just assuming or getting your info from someone who may be misinformed.

I wish you luck
and I am not a MAC artist, just voicing my experiences personally and professionally.


Well-known member
dont use ur fingers at the demo but when working at mac u can use ur fingers as long as u ask . just to maybe blend the concealer but always place the concealer with a brush


Well-known member
i'm not an MA but i'm gonna say no and to use the brush. i had an MA who was showing me strobe cream, oil control, studio mist, etc and she used a brush to apply everything (which reminds me i need to go back and buy that brush......)

i will say i did have one MA use her fingertips once or twice when trying to match me up (foundation) but this was a woman i had known for years and i worked at nordstrom with her and everybody knew that i only bought product and got my face done by her so we were more on a personal level.

but if i were interviewing or an actual MA i would steer clear of that. just to make sure you don't offend a client and to make sure you don't screw up your interview by having them think that you're unsanitary. NOT saying you are but i know if i were the one interviewing someone i'd rather see them use a brush than their fingertips. i think it's more professional


Well-known member
Don't use fingers, just like how people told you. I can rec. #189 to apply moisturizers and prep+prime with. I used that one when I did my demo on a trainer and she liked it.


Well-known member
I had a MAC makeover last week and the MA used her fingers for applying moisturiser and primer... not sure if this is typical though...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Claire84
I had a MAC makeover last week and the MA used her fingers for applying moisturiser and primer... not sure if this is typical though...

I just spent 6 months at MAC and yes it was typical for us. We were always taught that it is fine to use your fingers provided you have A) Sanitised your hands and B) Sought permission from your client.


Well-known member
We sanitize our hands before doing makeup on a client but we don't use our fingers to apply anything at all. Use your brushes.