Is it true that MAC will be having a f&f sale?


Well-known member
ooh where did you hear that? I really hope so, they had one in June and I stocked the f up! I would like to know so I don't blow all my $$ before the sale! lol.


Well-known member
Last year they had a mac F&F in june 2008 just before the price increase. I never heard any mention of a F&F sale yet, but i hope this happens before the janurary 2009 price increase!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CosmePro
I'd like to see that happen at the same time as ths BBR collection release

Oh right.. the BBR and HK collection are in late dec/early jan! Hah knowing how sucessful those collections would be i doubt they will do a F&F...


Well-known member
I think HK is coming out in Feb, right? So, if they had a f&f sale right before the price increase last time, and there's supposed to be price increase in January, it's following the same logic.

I emailed MAC customer service about this, and of course they said they had no knowledge of one at this time, which I doubt they're going to disclose. I guess we will have to wait and see!