Is it true...


Well-known member
Tea Tree essential oil has antiseptic properties (as does lavendar essential oil, but Tea tree has such to a greater degree) which for some people can aid in the prevention or clearing up of blemishes.


New member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
It is supposed to help but I use it and don't really notice much of a differance.

same here. I used it a few years ago and never really helped prevent or clear them up. It did help keep the redness down but not very much.


Well-known member
Yeah..I was just wondering because I have homecoming in less than a week and I don't feel spending more money (I've already spent more than I want to on this dance) and I just found Tea Tree Oil in my bathroom and thought I'd give it a try. It doesn't really seem to be helping me much but I'm wondering if it's just because I started it two days ago.


Well-known member
By itself, I don't think tea tree oil is very effective.

I suggest putting toothpaste on a blemish. When I've got a sizeable one, that's what I use on it. Dries it out overnight, in most cases.


Well-known member
I use it whenever I feel a blemish coming on - or I'll dab a bit on my chin (where I'm most prone to break outs) and I think it works pretty well


Well-known member
I use tea tree oil for my nose thats flakish/dry I've never used it on pimples, but if you decide to make sure that you also don't touch your face with anything like your hands.


Well-known member
I swear by tea tree oil for lots of things...I had a skin tag and I read that if I put it on the skin tag everyday for 2 weeks it would disappear...and it did!


Well-known member
Like martygreene said, it indeed has great antiseptic properties - in fact, I've dabbed some on a hand that got bitten by some sort of random insect.

It can be very harsh if it's not diluted - please do make sure that if you have a bottle it's suitable for applying directly to skin. You may need to put a few drops into a carrier oil.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
Like martygreene said, it indeed has great antiseptic properties - in fact, I've dabbed some on a hand that got bitten by some sort of random insect.

It can be very harsh if it's not diluted - please do make sure that if you have a bottle it's suitable for applying directly to skin. You may need to put a few drops into a carrier oil.

Second that!
The Body Shop makes a great Tea Tree face and body care line. I used to use it all the time, and I'd recomend it to anyone, especially if you know someone with eczema too. It works wonders.


Active member
I find it just dries the area out and sometimes that can be a good thing, although not all the time. It is great for ingowns though - draws them right out of the skin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jess
I find it just dries the area out and sometimes that can be a good thing, although not all the time. It is great for ingowns though - draws them right out of the skin

Must try that; am forever picking at ingrowns on my legs, bad habit I know. Do you just dab it on the spot?


Well-known member
Wow..posted this and I get more than I bargained for. Thanks guys. That's another thing I needed help with, stupid ingrowns.

(this may sound really sarcastic but it really isn't)

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