is it worth it/will I get fired?


Well-known member
it is annoying when you can't find clothing that doesn't fit right and when you're not keen on the colour - and not to mention when you are short on cash! but work uniforms are pretty standard everywhere! i'm even told i have to wear black socks! to be honest there are worst things VS could ask you to wear so i really don't think you should stress so much.

i buy my work trousers (basic black ones) from tesco which is a uk supermarket. they're really cheap and last a long time so i'm sure wallmart will be the same.


Well-known member
I actually never noticed that they only wore black. I thought they wore white and greyas well. They also didn't mention it until we were onboarding and then and there I was thinking "Oh shit." I am going to buy it, I'll just get some cheap black t-shirts and hopefully find some pants that fit. I've been in search of fitting black pants for years and never have been able to find any that aren't too short. I wish I had a credit card so I could afford more expensive pants and just charge them. But then the size issue. I might just have to deal with looking ridiculous for a couple weeks. At least I'll have a job. Hopefully I can get the hallmark job though so I can quit this one.

Ohh and that Aberrombie dress code sounds perfect for my wardrobe. Everything I own is white, cream, gray or navy. Go figure... would have applied there but they have a bad rep for only hiring really pretty girls and people that were approached to work there.


Well-known member
i'm sure you've shopped at a VS prior to applying for the job so you shouldn't be surprised that the dress code was all black. if you don't want the job, don't take it... i'm sure there is someone else who would gladly accept the position. if you do want it, then don't let something as petty as a dress code thats pretty standard everywhere throw you into a funk... it'll show up in your job performance. my hostessing job was an all black dress code and while it was difficult to find black in summer it was do able, it just took a little effort. i found some good buys at Kohls and i agree that forever 21, H&M and old navy are good places to look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweatpea559
Ohh and that Aberrombie dress code sounds perfect for my wardrobe. Everything I own is white, cream, gray or navy. Go figure... would have applied there but they have a bad rep for only hiring really pretty girls and people that were approached to work there.

abercrombie is not that great, along with the dress code you have to wear their clothes and if its not in season or a past season forget it. abercrombie is way more expensive than what you'll spend on black clothing. $100 for a pair of jeans making minimum wage doesn't sound like a better deal to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kdemers1221
abercrombie is not that great, along with the dress code you have to wear their clothes and if its not in season or a past season forget it. abercrombie is way more expensive than what you'll spend on black clothing. $100 for a pair of jeans making minimum wage doesn't sound like a better deal to me.

Actually about 50% of my clothes are abercrombie anyway, and I would be much happier buying if it was something I actually liked. The in season thing would be the only part that might be difficult but still probably could make it work. But I don't work there so doesn't really matter.


Well-known member
I refuse to give sympathy over something so piffling. I had to wear (oh Horrors!) an ugly brown uniform when I had a job at a pizza parlor years ago. Did I like it? Hell no. Was I ecstatic to have a job when so many other people my age didn't? Hell yes! Wearing black clothes for your job does not constitute a hardship, fer chrissakes! You're working there, not on a date or a fashion shoot. Either buck up and buy some cheap black clothing and accept the job or don't, but please don't expect a bunch of sympathy for the trauma of having to find some inexpensive black clothes for a job.

Most people would love for the worst part of their day to be that simple.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
Most people would love for the worst part of their day to be that simple.

So would I. You don't know me or have any clue what the worst part of my day is like so please don't minimize my troubles to having to wear ugly clothing. It's a financial hardship. It is hardly ruining my day. It is simply causing me additional frustration. You can get off your horse now. Thanks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweatpea559
So would I. You don't know me or have any clue what the worst part of my day is like so please don't minimize my troubles to having to wear ugly clothing. It's a financial hardship. It is hardly ruining my day. It is simply causing me additional frustration. You can get off your horse now. Thanks.

Honest to god, with your shite attitude, do the store and yourself a favor and turn down the job. I guarantee you that a dozen young ladies are waiting in line to take your place and will do a much better job than you because they actually are eager to work there. I've taken jobs that I didn't love, but always put 100% of myself into it. If I didn't I wouldn't take the job in the first place. Let someone else who really wants it and has the right attitude towards it, have it instead.
And yes, still no sympathy from me. There are hundreds of horror stories out there right now, and yours doesn't constitute one of them.


Well-known member
Who said I want sympathy or that I think my situation is a "horror story?" I asked a question and have received plenty responses that have managed to answer the question and offer an opinion without being insulting to me. if anyone has an attitude today it's you. You're still on your horse. What a surprise. If my petty little problem irritates you so much IGNORE it.

And I think I'll just do a disservice to myself and my employer by keeping my job and performing it half way. It's not like they don't have 30 openings. Employees are pouring out of that store.


Well-known member
Girl, it's a job and many people would kill to have one right now... you don't have to like the clothes. the clothes are for work... I wear a uniform everyday. do I like it Hell No do I wear it Hell yes, Why cause I'm employed...just buy some cheaper clothes for now til you can afford to do better...would you rather have some income and clothes you don't like or clothes you like but can't buy any more cause there's no income???


tj maxx
ny & co


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweatpea559
Who said I want sympathy or that I think my situation is a "horror story?" I asked a question and have received plenty responses that have managed to answer the question and offer an opinion without being insulting to me. if anyone has an attitude today it's you. You're still on your horse. What a surprise. If my petty little problem irritates you so much IGNORE it.

And I think I'll just do a disservice to myself and my employer by keeping my job and performing it half way. It's not like they don't have 30 openings. Employees are pouring out of that store.

You posted here and I assume wanted responses, otherwise why post? You've gotten responses, just not what you wanted to hear. I believe everyone has the right to respond to your post, if I'm not mistaken.

I am glad to hear you're not taking the job. My other half teaches high school and has a dozen or so graduates that would be grateful to have the job you are turning your nose up at. Hell, they'd be grateful to have any job. Thank you for that. I'm sure it will make one of those kid's day to have the job that is so beneath you.


Well-known member
Yes I wanted responses and the only ones I've had a problem with are yours. And I already took the job and am keeping it as stated above. I bought my clothes. I'm done with it. Are you? Feel free to keep going if it makes you happy.


Well-known member got some clothes....what did you find? VS is a good company to work for...Not sure which one you are at but it's not too bad


Well-known member
Try buying suits that run from 150$ to 250$ and dry cleaning that comes to $30 every week. I made the same sacrifices when I first started. I went out, bought one suit (In black) changed it up with diff t-shirts, moved on to buying a skirt in black too and wore the same thing for like 6 months as I bought more suits as I could afford them.

Good luck with your new job, you will be thankful once you receive your paycheck!


Well-known member
nice to know that you have gotten clothes and will be keeping the job. Let us know how your first day goes


Well-known member
Congratulations! I'm so glad you decided to take the job... girl you'll start making enough soon to add a piece at a time til your work wardrobe is where you'd like it to be...also sign up for NY and CO. it's free and every month they send tose coupons $30 off of $75 which means you're getting $75 worth of clothes for $40 and they have good stuff on their clearance rack.... just a thought


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweatpea559
So would I. You don't know me or have any clue what the worst part of my day is like so please don't minimize my troubles to having to wear ugly clothing. It's a financial hardship. It is hardly ruining my day. It is simply causing me additional frustration. You can get off your horse now. Thanks.

Honestly, it seems to be you that is on the high horse. You are describing this job as petty, beneath you, and too much of a hassle to find clothing for. If that's the case, quit the job and find something that is "at your level". You should have known the VS dress requirements during the interview, and if you knew it would be a problem, I'm not sure why you would accept the job.

If you can't afford to quit the job, can't find something else, then suck it up and act like an adult. Your entitlement attitude, ie: you think the rules don't apply to you (dress code) will not serve you well if you expect to have a good go at the working world.

Wear black and work, or don't wear black and don't work. Your choice.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but it's what you need to hear. I personally think you're only looking for validation here, and will only like responses that agree with you.

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