is my glitter liner real? please help! TIA!


New member
hi all! a couple of days ago i went downtown and entered a plaza, there was a cosmetic store that sells discontinued and some overstock cosmetics

i saw a MAC glitter liner and tested it, and fell in love with it immediately! it was so pretty! but today i look at it and im not sure if it real or not? or maby its from a past collection?

it was 10$ anyways

the its clear gel with gold iridescent glitter flakes, on the bottom it says shade 006
on the tube it says MAC Eye Liner, not Glitter liner :S

here are some pics:

i know i cant get a return but it would still be nice to know, also the lady have many other mac products, so if this is real then i think her store is a good place to buy some makeup!



Well-known member
I buy mine from mac, and they look nothing like that

It should have the colour name on the bottom

it should say 'glitter eye liner' on the side

could you put pics up of the box it came in?

the product inside it doesn't look real to me either...

I think it's definitely a fake


Well-known member
I reckon its fake. The batch code is a dead giveaway.

PLUS, MAC products (especially eyeshadows, blushes, lip products, etc) ALWAYS have shade colours AND batch codes. They don't only come with batch codes to "replace" the shade colours.


New member
grrr.. im so fustrated.. i will never buy from her again!!

i peeled off the sticker at the bottom and scratched off the MAC sign on the tube with scissors and i will treat it like a regular non mac product... sigh

thanks gals!


Well-known member
You should be really careful using fake stuff like this, you never know what they put in them! I've heard some quite nasty stories, you can't be too careful with eye products.


Active member
dont use it, you dont know if that product was tested for allergenic reactions

best of luck next time


Well-known member
My advise is Buy MAC from MAC or a CCO only...
It's not worth the discount; going to these fake sellers. You do not know what you are putting on your face.


Well-known member
If you value your eyesight you'll ditch it...... You have no idea whats in it, cant be guaranteed of safety and are taking the ultimate risk. I too have heard horror stories about girls putting unknown fake garbage on their eyes and landing with an unwanted stay in hospital.


Well-known member
I have loads of mac glitter liners and the actual writing on the side looks different to mine. I'm going to say it's a fake too! You can always send it to mac (find address on website) and they will tell you if it is a fake or not and if not they can send it back... xx