Is my mac black pro glitter fake? Pls help!


Well-known member
I have had a proper search in the appropriate forums to find out if my recently purchased mac pigment is fake but I don't know still. I didn't realize that there are two types of mac glitter! I bought the Black Glitter Brillants from someone on ebay and I'm not sure how to tell if it is real! Is this pro glitter roughly the same size particles as a regular mac glitter? And does it react to skin in the same way? I noticed the Reflects Gold and Reflects Blue glitters from Antiquitize are very find and do not stick to skin as much as this black one. The packaging is all real and fine. It's just the pigment that I'm unsure about? Any advice? Does anyone else have this and know what it's like? Thanks


Well-known member
Who did you buy it off? There are both authentic chunky (older version) and fine (newer version) glitters available in those that aren't 'reflects...'.
However, many of the glitters on ebay are fakes as there has obviously been a factory making them - specifically these older glitters such as Black, Red, Crystallized... etc.


Well-known member
angelicgandk they seem to be selling other Mac items in ebay. I'm just not sure how to tell if the glitter is fake or not. It just didn't have the same quality that I'm used to in Mac normally. The box and packaging looks fine and everything is correct. It's just when it arrived it had spilt out everywhere and I noticed the glitter was totally different to the Reflects Gold that I recently purchased....


Well-known member
I cant tell much from the photos, but i am worried about the low price of them, and the fact they have 5 black glitters which are 'rare and discontinued'. If it were me, i'd ask the seller where they bought them from (warehouses, bulk discount, suppliers etc = fakes).


Well-known member
well firstly, black glitter and reflects gold are both glitter brillants, yes; but their textures are completely different. black glitter is glitter, but reflects gold is like a dusty powder, they arent supposed to be the same. of course your product could be fake, but the 2 different consistencies alone do not determine that.