is stereo rose really worth the e-bay prices?


Well-known member
I say no its not worth it. I dont think any LE make-up is worth the high prices people try to get for them. its just make-up. there will be something similiar.


Well-known member
I am an NW25 and to me, Stereo Rose is just OK. I ended up with 3 back-ups of SR (from other MAs who just gave them to me, as they didn't really love them) and I ended up selling them. I absolutely adored Petticoat though.


Well-known member
Stereo Rose is my favorite MSF, and in my opinion, the best. I like Petticoat and the others, but I just think they are way too shimmery for the face. Stereo Rose just gives a nice glow. I would just wait. There are new MSFs coming out most likely.


Well-known member
Ooh...I'm a very sallow NW20 and I thought Stereo Rose would be perfect for me! But it seems not...? I adore Petticoat, and have used it lots and been trying to keep my eyes open for a SR MSF thinking it'd be just as nice. I was thinking it'd be an awesome blush, that's really all I use P'coat for and I apply it very lightly.


Well-known member
I bought Stereo Rose thinking I'd LOVE it. It was my first MSF. I used it maybe once. The coralish color just doesnt seem to look good on me. It pretty much just sits in my makeup case because I don't know what to do with it


Well-known member
I bought stero rose 1 month ago. I also have petticoat. I love and use the petticoat more. I am NC 30 or 35, I think.

Petticoat gives more of a glow,and would look good on everyone. It goes great with purples! Stero Rose is a really deep coral.

Femme Noir

Well-known member
i have stereo rose, and i don't reach for it too often. It's a little too orangey for my taste. But that's just me.


Active member
I bought Petticoat online a few days ago and I'm still waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I originally wanted Stereo Rose, but I decided to settle for Petticoat. Hope it looks good on me!


Well-known member
I used Stereo Rose for the first time today - I'm an NW20 and had to use a *very* light hand to apply it, but it is gorgeous.

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