Is there a difference?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
There's sort of a hierarchy of who you can say racist things about and who you cannot. I've noticed that it's a lot easier to get away with saying racist things about Asians than it is about black people, when you're in an average group of people.

And, that is what I am SOOOO tired of. When something is said about a Black person, Jesse climbs off of his mistress and Al jumps from the shampoo bowl to kick off shit. They have Zero Tolerance for things said and done to Black folks, but they have way too much tolerance for the other bullshit that goes on within our race. Where are they now that the Duke players have had charges dropped. Will they apologize to them? Did Al Sharpton ever apologize after the Tawana Brawley fiasco? They are 2 of the most unforgiving "Reverends" that I have ever seen and, quite frankly, I wish they'd both sit their asses down.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It annoys me that they get on people's asses about every racial issue and take it to a level it shouldn't go (being pissed off is one thing, but sometimes people take things to an extreme), but in some ways- I'd almost rather have that than nothing. Since I began talking about Asia, there are so many things that happen towards Asians that are still socially acceptable, like when little kids speak "Chinese" or pretend to be different types of Asians. No one yells at them ever for that or if they do, it's not to the extent that it would be if a child were pretending to be black.

No one of any power takes a stand for the Asians. I don't want Jesse Jackson or someone like that being an advocate of the racial issues of Asians, but it still sucks no one would take a stand for them if someone like Don Imus would make a comment about them


Well-known member
Hmmm Ive seen alot of kids these days acting black.
And its true, ALL kinds of racism should not be tolerated,
not just some.
For example I hear alot of "mexican jokes" all the time.
About "wet backs", "board hopers", and everything,
but u never see anyone trying to stand up for our ppl or anything,
I havnet really seen racism against asians, like in a bad derogatory way because here everyone knows that most, not all, but most asians are super smart n stuff..

My white teacher once made this joke,
"Why does the mexican team never win the Olympics?
Because all their swimmers, runners, and jumpers are on this side"
I walked out of his class, it wasnt cool,
specially coming from a white person.

but anyway.


Well-known member
That was wrong for your teacher to say that. But, what exactly is "acting black"? I'm sure whatever the kids did was a stereotypical behavior, but I wouldn't say a person "acted" a certain race because it's not a reflection of every black person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
And, that is what I am SOOOO tired of. When something is said about a Black person, Jesse climbs off of his mistress and Al jumps from the shampoo bowl to kick off shit. They have Zero Tolerance for things said and done to Black folks, but they have way too much tolerance for the other bullshit that goes on within our race. Where are they now that the Duke players have had charges dropped. Will they apologize to them? Did Al Sharpton ever apologize after the Tawana Brawley fiasco? They are 2 of the most unforgiving "Reverends" that I have ever seen and, quite frankly, I wish they'd both sit their asses down.

And let's not forget "blood sucking jews" and that horrifc situtation in Harlem involving Sharpton, his lackeys and various non-black individuals... he's a dangerous man.


Well-known member
In my mind, there is a difference between calling unnamed, non-specific women "hos" and purposely singling out a very specific group of women and calling them "nappy headed hos" with absolutely no provocation.

I'm still not saying that what is spoken, without consequence, in the hip hop community is acceptable, but I do find it markedly different from the situation Don Imus placed himself in. Ironic, is it not, that the so-called "nappy headed hos" are the only ones to emerge from this situation looking classy and functional...


Well-known member
Really? Because I would have thought the classy thing to do was to keep focus on what was important, and not hit up the talk shows etc. *shrug*

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
Hmmm Ive seen alot of kids these days acting black.
And its true, ALL kinds of racism should not be tolerated,
not just some.
For example I hear alot of "mexican jokes" all the time.
About "wet backs", "board hopers", and everything,
but u never see anyone trying to stand up for our ppl or anything,
I havnet really seen racism against asians, like in a bad derogatory way because here everyone knows that most, not all, but most asians are super smart n stuff..

My white teacher once made this joke,
"Why does the mexican team never win the Olympics?
Because all their swimmers, runners, and jumpers are on this side"
I walked out of his class, it wasnt cool,
specially coming from a white person.

but anyway.

I just used Asians as an example, because I'm more familiar with the issues. I know that Hispanics have similar issues as well, but because I don't have that many Hispanic friends (I'm more familiar with Asian, black, biracial, and white issues, because that's the makeup of most of my friends), nor as am I Hispanic, I don't experience it as much.

When people "act black", it's to be cool, with the exception of the MLK Jr. Day/Ghetto Fabulous parties. And when people do things like that, the world cracks down hard on the offenders.

No one tries to "act Asian" to be cool. When people make fun of the Asian languages and the struggles with the English language, make fun of the shape of East Asian eyes, call me chink and the other popular names, and tell people that the Asians stealing their jobs and such, it's still a big racial issue. If someone did that stuff to black kids at school, the school would move the earth to make things right.

I forget what my point was in the context of the Imus stuff, but it just really frustrates me that there's big inequality in how racial issues are treated and how the leaders of racial issues seem to be only interested in how people of their race is treated.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Really? Because I would have thought the classy thing to do was to keep focus on what was important, and not hit up the talk shows etc. *shrug*

I think they were well within their rights to respond to the situation in the public arena, regardless of whether it was at their press conference or on Oprah. This is one of those situations that won't go away by Rutgers simply ignoring it. I'm willing to bet that those on the Rutgers side were being hounded relentlessly by the media in hopes of igniting some kind of firestorm from that side.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I think they were well within their rights to respond to the situation in the public arena, regardless of whether it was at their press conference or on Oprah. This is one of those situations that won't go away by Rutgers simply ignoring it. I'm willing to bet that those on the Rutgers side were being hounded relentlessly by the media in hopes of igniting some kind of firestorm from that side.

Of course.

It's just my opinion the truly classy thing to do would have been to say "Imus who? People actually listen to him? Sorry, we don't have time for that kind of nonsense, we've got a game to win." instead of making the rounds through the media.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
That was wrong for your teacher to say that. But, what exactly is "acting black"? I'm sure whatever the kids did was a stereotypical behavior, but I wouldn't say a person "acted" a certain race because it's not a reflection of every black person.

I mean they were acting in like.. well lets just say that the
black males at my school would call them "wiggers"
I didnt even know that word till they said it..
When they called Eminem that, I didnt know what it meant
till now..

I know not every black person is like that..
but its just i guess the "hip hop/rap" culture
which is dominantly black.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Of course.

It's just my opinion the truly classy thing to do would have been to say "Imus who? People actually listen to him? Sorry, we don't have time for that kind of nonsense, we've got a game to win." instead of making the rounds through the media.

They had no game left to focus on though. He made the comments after they lost. Either way, he's a wrinkly old fart that has a history of nasty racially based comments.


Well-known member
Good point.


Well-known member
""I think he has some good points. I agree that what Imus said is absolutely inappropriate but I don't think it's any worse than what others say on the radio, on television, in CDs and in their own homes.""

Amen girl! Nothing you don't hear on every rap cd out there. But cuz he's white he can't say it.

Bottom line- it's not ok for ANYONE to say stuff like that.