Is there anyone in your life who understands your love of makeup?


Well-known member
i have no one! well except one of my old friends from high school that i recently got back in touch with... only we email each other about these things.

no one seems to understand my love for makeup. my boyfriend doesn't understand why i spend so much money on it, his sister doesn't believe in it because it's expensive, and my friends just look at me in awe but never really get it... lol


Well-known member
I think I can safely say that the only people who understand me are those on Specktra. When i did my make-up course I had everyone (family and freinds) all asking me WHY on earth I was doing it. I had a great reason...I wanted to.
At first my bf would roll his eyes in sarcasm when I got excited over my purchases. Now I have to hide the MAC bags and boxes from him. The way I figure it is that you can't understand until you mix two colours on your eyes and get that perfect blend that you realise how truly self-satisfying it can be. (not to mention how much fun!)

EDIT: I noticed one of my friends (who's staple was eyeliner and mascara) has been more adventurous after asking about mine. She did this gorgeous blue silver colour and I couldn't stop complimenting her.


Well-known member
The lovely ladies on specktra .... My Mom would if we got along .... but we don't speak so it's kindda hard to share.


Well-known member
I'm sooo lucky that my sister in law is into makeup as much, if not, more than I!!! I mean this girl is nuts! hahah. Loads of makeup, every brand she can get her little hands on it in 2 or 3 of those big clear container things!! We chat/email about different things we have seen and even buy things for each other.

My mom is great also. I def turned her into MAC! She not a hard core addict, but it is something we like shopping for together. Awwwww. LOL.


Well-known member
I know it's kind of different... but my dad. Lol. He has an artistic side to him and I think that's why he never questions my purchases and he loves to see the colors. He knows it's my hobby and he's really supportive of it.

My mom thinks I have too much but she's gotten warmer to the idea especially since now I always pick up something for her as well.

My brothers are cool with it, they always buy me colors on special occasions. (Plus they sometimes try to pick really weird color combos to see if I can pull it off)

But my dad totally understands it. (Mind you all the men I just mentioned are as straight as rulers with a touch of metro but they would hurt me if I told them that to their face! LOL.)


Well-known member
one of my friends understands. We can talk about makeup all day & we give each other makeovers. It's so much fun

My mom doesn't understand why I need so much makeup. But guess what, if she needs to goto an occasion, guess who does her makeup???


Well-known member
my friend Sheena is a MAC fanatic, we don't get to see each other very often with our schedules, so when we do we dork out on the new collections and our newest shadows, etc.

My boyfriend is also really supportive, he comes with me every time we're near the counter and points out shades he likes, and I always get MAC from him on my birthday and Christmas. He checks out my eyes every day and can usually pick out the colors he's purchased!


Well-known member
Unfortunately no
well actually my best friend does like make up a lil but not as much as i do...she's defo not addicted lol

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
My husband does. He knows how happy it makes me, so he listens when I babble, and he takes me make up shopping pretty much whenever I ask. He has to keep me in line SOMETIMES, because I get excited and go overboard, but other than that he's very understanding.

My mom understands too. She's watched me fall in love with make up LOL! Ever since I was about 10 I've been a make up addict. My allowance was always spent on chap stick and lip gloss, then shadows and mascara, and so on and so forth. She knows that I've always loved it and she's always praised my passion and talents.


Well-known member
My girlfriend is a makeup artist.. she's the one who got me hooked.. so she understands it.. but noone else does lol..

My mom does nothing but nag at me when she sees a new MAC bag or I leave my train case open.... She thinks it's such a waste of money....

And even though my boyfriend may not understand it.. He fully supports it! He says that it makes me happy, which makes him happy.. He likes to get me MAC as "just because" presents from time to time, or when he comes back from working on the road he brings home a few things from MAC to surprise me with.. He's the greatest!


Well-known member
I responded to this once before but Im changing my answer now

One of my best friends works at a freestanding MAC store
and I can safely say she is probably the only person who gets as excited about products as I do.

Its nice to have someone to drool with hahaha.


Well-known member
Unfortunately not. Most of my friends think I have too much makeup (compared to them anyway). It's kind of sad.


New member
My mom not only understands but totally shares it too! One of our favorite activities is to go shopping for makeup and skincare and anything in cute tubes jars packages compacts. I think she got into skincare and makeup late in her life and she's more than making up for it now. Plus every holiday she knows what to get me and I know what she wants (if I can afford it, she has an expensive I know more "makeup theory" than her so I teach her, which is so fun.

She's a youthful mom too, she's 45 and i'm 23. But her career and being a strong rolemodel for me keeps her energetic and interested in being up to date and cool.


Well-known member
This is what specktra is for! ;0) Most of my friends think I'm nuts how much I obsess about make up. But I think now I'm trying to make it more of carreer they are more understanding that it is a passion rather than obsession


Well-known member
I think all of my friends and family understand why I love makeup so much. They've always known me as an artistic sort of person, and they see makeup as another form of me expressing myself.

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