Is this a joke?


Well-known member
OMG this made me cry. I feel guilty just keeping my son in his (childproofed) room sometimes when I need to get stuff done.
Whether or not it's a joke, this world is home to some sick people.


Well-known member
Yeah, it must be fake. first of all, kids like to pretend that they're dogs, and if you keep a kennel out for your dog, then your kid is going to crawl in there when they are pretending they are dogs. also, its hard to believe that they would have permission to use the kids faces. if it were to be investigated, they would be able to find the parents and procescute.


New member
Definetely a joke, because if you type "Babycage" into google, it has "[Contains fictitious information]" after the site description.

Whew :p


Well-known member
Why waste money on a baby cage? My mom used to turn a playpen upside down and put coats and books on top . Keeps toddlers from getting into things while mom gets ready or dusts the house........ I remember Bonsai Kitten! That was way too weird.


Well-known member
I wonder how many of my coworkers I could fit into that thing? Then I could just cavort around it with the cattle prod and 're prioritize' them


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
I wonder how many of my coworkers I could fit into that thing? Then I could just cavort around it with the cattle prod and 're prioritize' them

A few years agp I worked in a locked brain injury unit. We had cages (soft net cages) for the patients called Vail Beds. They are made for one, but we put two workers in there and made them wrestle to see if they could tip it over as a safety test.
I saw a visitor from Japan walking his toddler with a harness and a leash. I did a double take. They were walking near the canal. (the canal is so filthy that everyone who has ever fallen in has died from massive bacterial infections....there are signs up warning people not to touch the water....there's a lot of human waste in it, and its still. I guess the man did not want his son going anywhere close to the edge of the retainer wall)


Well-known member
I haven't looked at the site properly, but I was watching scrubs the other day and the janitor buys Turk and Carla a "babycage" as a baby shower present. Perhaps the people that made this site thought it was amusing and just ran with the joke. If so, its kind of milking it really, as it was somewhat amusing in scrubs, but its not that funny when not in context IMO. That might be cos I'm miserable though