Is this Counterfeit?


Well-known member
The jars look authentic, but the swatches are stock swatches and I am not sure I would take the risk. As a rule I never buy anything from Tawian, Thailand or China unless I am buying from a known and trusted seller. This person is a new seller since only July this year and I probably wouldnt buy them, you may better looking closer to home


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
The jars look authentic, but the swatches are stock swatches and I am not sure I would take the risk. As a rule I never buy anything from Tawian, Thailand or China unless I am buying from a known and trusted seller. This person is a new seller since only July this year and I probably wouldnt buy them, you may better looking closer to home

I agree with panda0410 on this one!


Well-known member
I agree with what everyone else has said.

All the items that I've seen listed from Taiwan have been counterfeit. It's not worth the risk.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone....unfortunately I had bid on it about a week ago and figured I would be out bid, since it was really low, however, I wasn't. came in the mail today and was wrapped in paper towel and put in a small yellow envelope. It had been ripped open already and marked damaged, so i rejected it. SO we will see what happens. FOr something coming all the way from Taiwan they could have at least bubble wrapped it. Well... I learned my lesson. Thanks for your input though!!!