Is this lipstick authentic


Well-known member
Hi ladies,

Does this look fake in any way. Im abit sceptical as the price is so cheap, especially for LE.

Mac Sugarsweet Collection "Lollipop Loving" Lipstick! on eBay (end time 21-Aug-09 01:56:12 BST)

The seller has 100% feedback, but I had noticed some repeated + feedback from users with 0 feedback themselves.

Has anyone come accross this seller?

Id prefer to buy from the UK
M*AC Authentic Sugarsweet Lipstick Lollipop Loving BNIB on eBay (end time 25-Jul-09 10:10:25 BST)
But why do they put "M*AC" then say its authentic, I dont get it? :S


Well-known member
This sellers items are authentic. LL was LE, but its been promoted twice - Heatherette and Sugarsweet and some locations still have it. It was rumoured to become perm, but I couldnt be sure on that - I dont like the colour myself and never followed the thread on it. Price seems right to me, she often has good deals on items


Well-known member
Thanks very much.

Ive never tried the colour myself, but im very curious. At that price, id be silly not to


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kirsty
Hi ladies,

Id prefer to buy from the UK
M*AC Authentic Sugarsweet Lipstick Lollipop Loving BNIB on eBay (end time 25-Jul-09 10:10:25 BST)
But why do they put "M*AC" then say its authentic, I dont get it? :S

Putting M*AC is an attempt to get round the listing restrictions that new sellers often encounter - trouble is ebay take the MAC bit from the drop down bar on the listing template for the manufacturer and not the title so it's a bit of a pointless exercise.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by julie150463
Putting M*AC is an attempt to get round the listing restrictions that new sellers often encounter - trouble is ebay take the MAC bit from the drop down bar on the listing template for the manufacturer and not the title so it's a bit of a pointless exercise.

Why are there listing restrictions for new sellers?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kirsty
Why are there listing restrictions for new sellers?


It's kind of like a prove yourself period. When my friend did her VS stuff they said they had to make sure customers received the goods and that sellers weren't con artists. Some people were jerks along the way and listed items, got money to their Paypal and then removed it if there wasn't a hold.
Take the money and run scam with nothing delivered. Now Ebay has listing restrictions for new sellers but the minute she added a back up funding source, she was in the clear to list 30 some VS items when she couldn't before.

I'm getting out of here before trouble for being off topic occurs.......*backflips out of this thread*


Hi there,

Straight from the horse's mouth - It is a listing restriction - the drop down bar that gives the brand of MAC makes no difference. It's the title that is making the difference!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kirsty
Why are there listing restrictions for new sellers?


I think it's supposed to stop the flood of counterfeits. The thing is it doesn't stop the the fake sellers just makes it more difficult for the genuine ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by julie150463
I think it's supposed to stop the flood of counterfeits. The thing is it doesn't stop the the fake sellers just makes it more difficult for the genuine ones.

By the time I buy from somebody, receive authentic from a CCO deal and go back to re-buy from that seller; they've closed down shop. I was ecstatic with this seller bargainsoul after taking a risk and buying but went back later and she hasn't had anything listed in a couple of weeks. I mean not all sellers can compete their authentic when there's a sea of fakes that are reasonably cheaper. You'll see Ebay has lost me as a buyer cosmetic wise now almost completely. I buy more on Specktra where I have yet to receive a fake so far with people that are actively involved with people on this site and actually care about their name. 5 buys in the past month make up wise....

Ebay can thank themselves because they chose to keep mommroxx and mlrosati despite that many claims....guess my cosmetic shopping came 2nd to their fees but Specktra's been great so far.

Julie, youre in the UK or I'd be buying from you in a minute because we don't have your kind around these parts. If they do have a store, be prepared for a haughty, you're only money attitude just because you ask a question. Freaking weird.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
It's kind of like a prove yourself period. When my friend did her VS stuff they said they had to make sure customers received the goods and that sellers weren't con artists. Some people were jerks along the way and listed items, got money to their Paypal and then removed it if there wasn't a hold.
Take the money and run scam with nothing delivered. Now Ebay has listing restrictions for new sellers but the minute she added a back up funding source, she was in the clear to list 30 some VS items when she couldn't before.

I'm getting out of here before trouble for being off topic occurs.......*backflips out of this thread*

Thanks ladies

this makes sense now. The scam alarm has always gone off for me when I see M*AC. Now i will be a bit more understanding (but still vigillant)


It's a frustrating situation - The listing restrictions are only reviewed every 90days! They are reviewed on the basis of what you have sold and what feedback you have received and as I understand it have become stricter recently!

For buyers that's no bad thing and whilst I understand that it is designed to protect buyer I agree with Julie it doesn't determine whether or not products are fake or authentic.

It's a vicious circle as to gain positive feedback and good feedback you need to list and sell products and the only option becomes to list as M*AC or some other variation.

I think a better indication is how a seller interacts with you, their response to your questions and explanation as to why they may be using a variant of MAC.

If a seller is serious and genuine they will go out of their way and have understandable and quick responses to your questions.
All sellers are reliant on good customers so nothing should be too much trouble - we rely on feedback and happy customers and anyone selling authentic products should appreciate and understand concerns!

Hope that makes sense



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jules2702
It's a frustrating situation - The listing restrictions are only reviewed every 90days! They are reviewed on the basis of what you have sold and what feedback you have received and as I understand it have become stricter recently!

For buyers that's no bad thing and whilst I understand that it is designed to protect buyer I agree with Julie it doesn't determine whether or not products are fake or authentic.

It's a vicious circle as to gain positive feedback and good feedback you need to list and sell products and the only option becomes to list as M*AC or some other variation.

I think a better indication is how a seller interacts with you, their response to your questions and explanation as to why they may be using a variant of MAC.

If a seller is serious and genuine they will go out of their way and have understandable and quick responses to your questions.
All sellers are reliant on good customers so nothing should be too much trouble - we rely on feedback and happy customers and anyone selling authentic products should appreciate and understand concerns!

Hope that makes sense


It does, thanks so much for your detailed response.