Is this real?


Well-known member
I don't think it's real. Might just be my opinion though. I think MAC makes a burgundy blush creme but not a powder and even then, it's nowhere near that colour.


Well-known member
i dont know if it is just me or if it is the way the picture was taken but it just doesnt look a blush at all, it reminds me of a large shadow if anything. but i dont know, i have never purchased any blushes from MAC. i know shame shame, considering i buy like everything else from them.


Well-known member
The box looks weird, but the blush looks like it might be real. I'm just wondering if maybe it's a long ago d/c'd product...


Well-known member
That box definitely looks like an older product. I have some cream colour bases with the same type of box. I don't know too much about their blushes though, so I can't say if it's an authentic blush.


Well-known member
Just looking at the picture, there are a couple of things I noticed. The box does look like it could be authentic old school box, but the blush itself looks funny. The hetchmarks on the blush don't look like any I have seen, old school or current. They are wide, and even look wavy or unevenly spaced. Also, there is a stange space/large uneven gap between the pan and the compact. The compact itself looks like authentic newer, but the pan/blush itself doesn't. Most of the old school blushes I have seen were also in screw top pots. hmmmm I wouldn't touch that auction myself.


Well-known member
I would suggest asking the seller to send you or post pictures in the auction of the labels on the bottom of the pot (and the blush name label on the box if possible) and then bumping those here. Those would help to know for sure if at least the labels are authentic.