"is this ur first child" "how many months"


Well-known member
Awww I'm sorry. Some ppl have no common curtisy. I would never ask someone if they were Preg. even if it were very obvious.

Congrats on trying to lose weight. If you are happy with yourself & healthy, that's all that matters. Lose weight for you & only you.


Well-known member
I was at a bar a couple of years ago, boozin it up, taking a drag off my cig and this bitch asked if I was preggers. Uhhh?? lol

She has a mullet anyways so what the hell does she know?


Well-known member
i'm fat and that's no secret. but i'm also married, and i have relatives waiting for a baby and touching my belly all the time.
"pregnant yet?"
"nope, just my good old belly"
but you already know, why you humiliate me? agh! i smile and act like it doesn't bother me. what can you do?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nibjet
my boyfriend and I went to the zoo last week, and while looking at the gorillas, a man pointed at my belly and said "when you have that baby you ought to bring him back here to see the gorillas!" and even though I was stunned, I managed to get out "uhh.. I'm not pregnant, just fat, but thank you." his pleased expression never changed. o_O


People are so rude and stupid.. like, even if someone is obviously pregnant with a huuuge prego belly I wouldn't even say something like that. I swear, some people just don't use their brains at all or think about what they are saying.. ugh.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I was at a bar a couple of years ago, boozin it up, taking a drag off my cig and this bitch asked if I was preggers. Uhhh?? lol

She has a mullet anyways so what the hell does she know?

Haha. Maybe I don't like children or strangers enough, but why would anyone care if someone they don't know is pregnant?


Well-known member
hey ..wow I totally forgot about this thread ..first two weeks of school are horrendous. Thanks guys ..I appreciate it a lot.


Well-known member
i found this hilarious because the EXACT OPPOSITE thing happened to me. i am pregnant. 5 months now, but i always was a smaller girl before. I ran into some old co-workers I haven't seen in a year or so and as I walked away, I heard one of them whisper "omg, she's really gotten chubby!" I also had a secretary at my office jokingly comment that the best part of being married was that I could eat all the junk food and gain all the weight I want because I've got my man already.

come on people! i'm not fat! I'm just pregnant!

haha, i guess you can't win either way!!


Well-known member
i can relate too and it pisses me off to no end! i haven't gotten it in a few months, but it happens several times a year. the last time i went to take a test for a county job, while i was waiting in line to check in it's finally my turn, i give her my ID and the conversation goes like this:

worker: "no babies today, ok?"
me: "excuse me?"
worker: "are you pregnant?"
me: "uh no, i'm just fat"
worker: "oh, my bad"

seriously, fuck off. i've found that most people then act like what they just said didn't offend me at all and seem like they have no shame. i almost want to tell them "oh, you mean when am i due to lose this weight??". it goes both ways too, even when i was pregnant i'd have people go on and on about how huge i was, if i was having twins, etc. and that didn't make me feel any better either.

sorry for the long rant, this is just something that i'm all too familiar with. i do wish i had more motivation to get up and do something about it though because it pisses me off so much. even so, people just need to shut the hell up already.


Well-known member
I have had this happen to me by a stranger.. because i have a tummy and I was rubbing it in a tim hortons because I was hungry.. the lady said.. is it a boy or a girl... and I said.. IS WHAT?
hahhaha.. Whatever they can kiss it.. I don't let it bother me.

People will always have either bad things to say.. or weird things to say.. or good things to say.. just take note of the good things.


Well-known member
Awww i completely understand. Im .overweight however my legs/arms/shoulders are all quite slim, i just carry it all in my tummy. I have learnt never ever to rest my hand on my stomach, wear overalls (not that i would anyway lol) or wear dresses with big bows right under the boobs.


Well-known member
iv been asked twice if im pregnant!! one woman kept INSISTING i was even though i clearly said no im not. this other woman had to tell her to stop it! its really embarrassing!!! im glad im not the only one this has happened to!