Wait-I can make my child NOT gay? Or I can make him gay?
OK now that I've had my god complex....
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. If (to answer Raeraes argument as shown HERE)
Originally Posted by Raerae
But if homsexuality is a "sin" according to the bible, and humans are born in sin, wouldn't you be able to justify, "curing homosexuality" as helping save a child from a sinful life? |
that were the case:
Then my response is this-(in the Christian response)
God made man originally perfect. Satan comes along, eve eats the fruit shares with adam they screw it up for the rest of us. Biologically- if they started the sin, and they are now stuck with sins- then it is perfectly acceptable reasoning that a child is indeed capable of being born homosexual. Now, that being said (again with my Christian reasoning)-God never shuts a door without opening a window and therefore this changing from gay to straight could very well be considered acceptable in the Christian church to help prevent the "sin".
That being said-
from my personal perspective- how the hell are you going to know if a child is gay or not? I mean you couldn't tell for a while at least.
That's just B.S.
Anyway other than that- my perspective on this and I have told my pastor (who is very conservative) this - I don't feel it is my place to judge. I mean Seriously, I can guide the child and as a Christian I can do nothing more than teach them that walk and then I can teach them My Native American beliefs and ultimately the decision is up to him- because just being gay- I can tell ya there are so many other ways for man to sin. *shrugs* But really it's not our place to judge who is gay who isn't gay who can we turn into being gay etc.
Honestly- the whole thing is B.S.
Originally Posted by Raerae
I just find it ironic all the "anti gay" or "cure gay" and then all the gay child molesting that goes on in the Church, and the church just covering it all up. Circles circles! |
that being said-
Really it's only what we hear about. Seriously- i mean it's some huge scandal when a church messes up but what about the molestings that go on everyday in the common mans house? The politicians? The businessmen? The doctors? The teachers? You don't hear too much of that except locally. They just love to show attention to people when they are considered spiritual leaders. JMHO