ISO Lookalike for MAC Pink Grapefruit


Well-known member
Does anyone know of a lookalike for MAC Pink Grapefruit lipglass, or how to replicate it? I'm not sure if there are any colors in MAC's permanent collection that look like it, or if MAC plans to recycle the color or release a similar color in a future collection. Non-MAC recs are welcome too. I just want as close to the real thing as I can get.
Thanks for any help. I've seen this lipglass in pics so many times, and I'm kickin' myself for not getting it when I had the chance.


Active member
I don't have a look-alike for you but on the off-chance this helps - I saw these at the CCO in Washburn, OR yesterday.


Well-known member
Okay here goes,..

You can get a super Close version of Pink Grapefruit lipglass with Venetian Lustreglass and Golden Lemon Pigment,..

I laid down some golden lemon first and then mixed the Venetian until it was the proper shade of orange,...

Sorry the pictures are kinda fuzzy,..My camera blows,..and I had to attach a thumbnail bc I couldnt get them to upload,...

Or you can see them in My Yahoo briefcase,.. under glittergoddess27


Well-known member
Thank you both!
I appreciate the help.

Too bad I don't live near Oregon, Sweetramona.
Thank you for the heads up though. I wish I had a CCO near me because someone else said she has seen them near hers before too.

Wow, that looks like a spot-on match in that pic, Glittergoddess! Thanks for the suggestion & for posting that pic.
That's great of you to go the trouble of posting the comparison pic. It's awesome how creative the people here are about figuring out dupes! I'll check out Venetian & Golden Lemon, if I can't get a Pink Grapefruit somehow.