It's a sad day...

twelfth of never

Active member
My dad was ready to throw out my empties too, until I explained the lipstick deal. After that, he slowly backed away and never touched them again. "Free" deals are something sacred to him, haha.

Keeping the boxes is a different story...I just like keeping them!
Originally Posted by twelfth of never
My dad was ready to throw out my empties too, until I explained the lipstick deal. After that, he slowly backed away and never touched them again. "Free" deals are something sacred to him, haha.

Keeping the boxes is a different story...I just like keeping them!

I keep the boxes sometimes, too. Not sure why, but it makes things look pretty neat and organized.


Well-known member
i had just about every box from every product, just in case, until i went on a mad cleaning rampage a couple months ago and threw them out. now i regret it cause i'd like to sell some things and i feel like it'd be better if they were in their boxes. oh well. from now on i save them.

and as far as my bac2macs go, i'd be furious. but i've had some close calls. i also think of all the empties i threw away before i knew what the program was. oops. i could have had quite a few free lipsticks.

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