It's been 5 months...


Well-known member
Very nice!!! Ahhh, so pretty to look at

Do you like your Pop Eye Cake Eyeshadows? I bought one and now I'm having a hella hard time getting any kind of color coverage out of it. Guess I'll have to throw some paint on underneath it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AprilBomb
Very nice!!! Ahhh, so pretty to look at

Do you like your Pop Eye Cake Eyeshadows? I bought one and now I'm having a hella hard time getting any kind of color coverage out of it. Guess I'll have to throw some paint on underneath it.

To be honest I haven't used my Pop Eye Cake e/s in such a long time. I like, though, how much variety they have in that little case though. I believe though *tries to remember* when I used it, it was alright. I had to put on a couple layers to get the color that I wanted.


Well-known member
I've bought a few more things to add to my collection that are not pictured. BUT, today I gave some makeup away to my mother-in-law
It was a sad day. I gave away Knight Divine e/s, Swish e/s & Print e/s also my Milani blush & 2 brushes. It's okay, I'll buy them again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey
haha I wish I had a girl but I love my 2 beautiful little boys.
I'm going to Vegas this weekend so you know what tha means... PRO STORE!!

OMG Vegas only means that to us MAC addicts. hahahaha I think Vegas to anyone else means, gambling, but MU rocks so much more ;D


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aznsmurfy
OMG Vegas only means that to us MAC addicts. hahahaha I think Vegas to anyone else means, gambling, but MU rocks so much more ;D

i hear you. esp if you want to look cute for the nightlife!


Well-known member
I soooo trying not to spend any money right now cause I got in trouble when my husband checked out my credit card balance... which was maxed out! haha In a 2month period I spent $2000 on my Chase card & $500 on my Nordy's card AT NORDYS! (mostly makeup and then shoes)