It's Been Long Enough...


Hello there everyone. I figure I have lurked long enough and it's about time I introduce myself. I've actually been registered for awhile but I'm super shy until I get comfortable, which is why I'm posting now. All you lovely ladies and guys have shown this to be a community of diversity and acceptance (just what I was looking for).

As for me, my name is Meghan and I'm 21 years old. I live in southern Alberta where I go to university. My hobbies include reading, movies (almost to the extreme as my boyfriend and I have nearly exhausted the local Blockbuster), tattoo design, shopping, and of course makeup. I've only recently become interested in Mac (september-ish of this year) but I'm hooked and have already spent way too much. So again, hello to everyone and I look forward to chatting.


Well-known member
welcome meghan!


Well-known member
Hi Meghan and welcome to Specktra!


I'm sure you'll have as much fun here as we have everyday!
