Its getting down to the wire....


Well-known member
and im just feeling tired, anxious, excited and even blah at some times.. im still working althought this thursday will be my last day cuz between the back pain and my commute its just not workin anymore. any of you experienced mommies have any advice for me?? i know its the calm before the storm right now lol...i have my other baby shower to look forward to on the 7th

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
My number one suggestion is to ENJOY your last month of pregnancy, as difficult as that may be. The home stretch is the hardest because your body is maxed out from carrying, and you're scared and excited about what's about to happen, and it seems to pass by sooooo slowly. You'll miss that stuff once the real drama begins LOL


Well-known member
Im due April 1st and its getting real hard for me. Im exhausted and my muscles are sore all the time. I feel like these last few weeks are going by so slow!


Well-known member
Congrats Ladies!!! I agree enjoy your final months...get plenty of rest so you will be up for a few sleepless nights...I say this, however my son slept through the night in his crib from about 1 week old...He never wanted to be rocked or to lay on my chest and sleep...After he finished feeding he wanted to be put in his crib...I wanted to cuddle....He still refuses t o sleep with me..I ask him to when Daddy goes out of town..and he says Nope, we have our own beds... :-(

I wish you all a safe and smooth delivery along with Healthy & Happy Babies!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sandrrra
Im due April 1st and its getting real hard for me. Im exhausted and my muscles are sore all the time. I feel like these last few weeks are going by so slow!

That's my birthday! =]

Good luck to all! May you have healthy and adorable babies. =]


Well-known member
just take it one day at a time and TRY (HA!) to relax!

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