It's hard to be a natural girl using Mac


Well-known member
On the MAC website, the face with Inventive Eyes incorporates Omega in the eyeshadow, I noticed while checking out what they've done with the different looks. I'm wearing colors in that quad today & they're anything but flashy, & are very neutral. I used a base of Naked pigment, which I LOVE, then some Artjam paint in the crease, then started applying colors from the quad. I lined with the dark one, but then used a Stubborn Brown PP liner & smudged a little.

At the website, go to the eyeshadows & do the "Sort By" and look at shades in the different categories separately. The Matte category, or maybe Satin, would be more natural looking than the frost, etc. You can get an idea there. I also have a Bobbi Brown neutral palette that I bought I think last winter that has really neutral tones, & it's good, but MAC really does have similar neutral stuff if you can get past the colors & frost & find them! *s* But every girl needs some of it all to be complete! You never know when you might need more color!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
about 4 years ago, a friend from out of town came to visit me. she was soooo excited about a Bobbi Brown palette of 3 neutrals she had bought. she paid more than the cost of 3 individual MAC shadows for it.

when we went shopping at MAC the next day, i pulled out 3 MAC shadows - Shroom, Coquette and Mystery - and they were almost IDENTICAL to what she had in her palette.

i am the Queen of brown eyeshadows, i rarely buy MAC's colour stuff. after using MAC since the beginning of the company, i can tell you in all sincerity, that i have NEVER had trouble finding beautiful neutrals with them.

At least mine was 5 neutrals. They're nothing exciting tho, & I think it was like $40 or 45.

Would you believe I have never bought Shroom? I have it in a couple palettes tho, at least one. Thanks for pointing out the similarity. I've always loved Coquette and Concrete, and Mystery. And I always thought of myself as the queen of brown eyeshadows! *bows to the queen*