Originally Posted by als1626 I hate being the old lady here but PLEASE consider using self-tanner or mystic tans. Tanning beds are even worse for you than tanning in the sun is... and all I ever did was tan in the sun.
So says the 33 year old who has had three malignant melanomas, has to go to the cancer hospital to be checked every 10 weeks, and is covered with a range of scars from about 1 inch to 4 inches long.
I know it's not something you want to hear, but seriously? If I could do my life over again, I would never, ever sit in the sun. It's just not worth the stress of knowing at any time I could be sitting around with a melanoma that is slowly killing me.
OOps, ETA: If you have seasonal affective disorder, which is helped by light (I don't know what you're referring to with bipolar being helped by light) the lights that are good for SAD, at least, do not tan you.
As for self tanners...
For your face, nothing beats Clarins Radiance Plus Self Tanning Cream Gel. I've never found a body tanner I like as much as I love the Clarins, but I've had pretty good luck with L'Oreal and Lancome's body products. Good luck
Got to agree here. Tanning is not what it's cracked to be. I'm very weary of it. I recommend a great self tanner like Origins The Great Pretender for body and Faux Glow for face. They have less chemicals in them and are more natural than some other cosmetics line. LOVE THEM!