I want to thank yall so much for your support I do in fact have PCOS and if anyone has had any of my symptoms I highly suggest you go see a doctor and dont settle for unanswered questions! PCOS is not life threatening but it causes infertility something im dealing with right now. It causes weight gain, insulin resistance, your more prone for diabetes, hair loss, and abnormal hair growth like back hair or a mustache--Luckily I didnt get this one, it causes cystic nasty unstoppable acne and depression. It is serious and doctors need to take it more serious. So if you have symptoms please please go. I thank God I went through this and was able to find out what I had. I have changed my life around I am on a weight loss/ cure journey. I just started a raw food diet you can follow me on youtube and you can see my progress. I hope this thread somehow helps others!
Love you!
Pray for me.