I've never been so angry and confused

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Follow your dreams and do it on your terms. If you don't, you will regret it, for a long time to come. Sometimes if you want things done your way, you have to go it alone. Maybe your parents will come around, maybe they won't. Either way, at the end of the day, YOU have to be happy with the decisions and efforts you've made. Best wishes my dear.


Well-known member
I don't really have any specific advice for you but I wanted to let you know that you're not alone. When I was getting ready for college, I knew my parents couldn't afford to pay for it but they were willing to help. Once they found out I wanted to move away from home their help came with conditions- they thought they would be willing to help me more if I stayed at home. It upset me a lot because I didn't see how they could offer to pay for my car and insurance if I were at home but not if I was moving 3 hours away. In the end, I moved and didn't take their help and I haven't regretted it yet. Yeah, student loans suck... but there's a lot of pride and character development that comes with making it on your own and it really makes your parents see you in a different light. It's done wonders for my relationship with my parents... they actually talk to me like a human being, respect my opinion and my mom tells me my dad tells her how proud he is of me for making it on my own.

If you really want it, there are ways to get it. I hope you make the right decision for you and that it leads to lots of success and happiness.


Well-known member
I forgot to mention this. But I think that if you take this opportunity even if it means having to bust your ass off and go to school at Aveda, it may show your parents that your capable of taking care of yourself. They may need this to open their eyes up that your your own person and that your able to make responsible decisions and can take care of yourself.


Well-known member

I've just paid the enrollment fee that will ensure my spot in the class :]
I'm still working on getting a job but my mom is more comfortable with the idea of me moving now. She said she'd help pay for my monthly meds and maybe even with my phone bill for a while when I move.
Things are starting to work out, and I'm very happy about it. My dad still doesn't seem too pleased, but hopefully he'll come around.
I talked to many many people about going to this school, my friends, cosmetologists I know, and family, and they all urged me to work for it and do what I want to do.
I'm going to make it happen :]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo

I've just paid the enrollment fee that will ensure my spot in the class :]
I'm still working on getting a job but my mom is more comfortable with the idea of me moving now. She said she'd help pay for my monthly meds and maybe even with my phone bill for a while when I move.
Things are starting to work out, and I'm very happy about it. My dad still doesn't seem too pleased, but hopefully he'll come around.
I talked to many many people about going to this school, my friends, cosmetologists I know, and family, and they all urged me to work for it and do what I want to do.
I'm going to make it happen :]

I'm so happy for you! I'm glad you did what you had to do hun. It's also very good that your mom is willing to lend you a hand when your living on your own. I'm pretty sure that since she's with you on this now, it'll be easier for your dad to eventually come around. Men can be stubborn!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I'm so happy for you! I'm glad you did what you had to do hun. It's also very good that your mom is willing to lend you a hand when your living on your own. I'm pretty sure that since she's with you on this now, it'll be easier for your dad to eventually come around. Men can be stubborn!

I'm thinking that once I'm actually gone and doing what I want to be doing and working for something he'll quit being so stubborn. Hopefully, haha. And I'm very proud of my mom for coming around before him, I figured she'd take even longer. She was helping me get a money order to send to them today and all and I kept thanking her for everything and letting her know how much her support means to me and she was like "Well you've got to grow up and do what you won't to do or else you won't be happy, so I'm going to help you."

awehh I <3 her so much :]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
I'm thinking that once I'm actually gone and doing what I want to be doing and working for something he'll quit being so stubborn. Hopefully, haha. And I'm very proud of my mom for coming around before him, I figured she'd take even longer. She was helping me get a money order to send to them today and all and I kept thanking her for everything and letting her know how much her support means to me and she was like "Well you've got to grow up and do what you won't to do or else you won't be happy, so I'm going to help you."

awehh I <3 her so much :]

Aww, that was so sweet what she had said! But it is true though, you've grown up and should be figuring out what makes you happy and working towards that.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member

Your father may think that until the minute you move away that he can convince you to stay.

Good luck with the move