i probably shouldn't say that the SE brushes suck.
i honestly don't think they suck, but again, since all i heard was how these brushes were supposed to be the BEST brushes EVER, i was like "no, this brush is not all that ,and it's not worth $40+"
buuuuuut that was because i was foolishly playing around with those SE's lol. The FULLsize ones are waaaay better and worth the hype. I seriously do not have a brush like the 224. I am AMAZED at that brush. It's like a magic wand. It does EXACTLY what i want it to do. It listens. It's obedient. I fucking love it!! I need that 226 and i want the 214. I may get the 188, but since I have one sorta like it from Costco, I'm not in a big hurry.
I need at least 3 of the 239's though. They are amazing, too bad they stain a little though, but I understand lol.