January Challenge #3: Vice and Virtue


Well-known member
The seven deadly sins, or their virtueous counterparts. First, we have the vices...
  • Lust (fornication) — Unlawful sexual desire, such as desiring sex with a person outside marriage. (Dante's criterion was "excessive love of others," thereby detracting from the love due G-d).
  • Gluttony — Wasting of food, either through overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, misplaced desire for food for its sensuality, or withholding food from the needy ("excessive love of pleasure" was Dante's rendering).
  • Greed (covetousness, avarice) — A desire to possess more than one has need or use for (or, according to Dante, "excessive love of money and power").
  • Sloth (also accidie, acedia) — Laziness; idleness and wastefulness of time allotted. Laziness is condemned because like gluttony, is a sin of waste, for it wastes time, implicitly because of pride.
  • Wrath (anger, hate) — Inappropriate (unrighteous) feelings of hatred, revenge or even denial, as well as punitive desires outside of justice (Dante's description was "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite").
  • Envy (jealousy) — Resentment of others for their possessions (Dante: "Love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs").
  • Pride (vanity) — A desire to be important or attractive to others or excessive love of self (holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor").
Then, we have the virtues, in respective order to their vice counterparts. Chastity, moderation, charity, zeal, meekness, generosity, and humility.

Using either modern or traditional interpretations of the deadly vices and the seven virtues, here is an opportunity to delve into the psyche of mankind and see what lies beneath the surface. Perhaps not just one of these characteristics, but many fight for supremecy. Using your creativity and skill, let's see who we all really are.


Well-known member
I'm so glad you posted the ANTM pics cuz I couldn't really understand the challenge. Now I get it! I can't wait!


Well-known member
Hey ladies! I wanted to do Wrath. It screamed red and black to me, and I'm in a real red lip fix right now
I'm not all-pro like the majority of you all but I gave it a shot. So here goes:



Well-known member

I decided to go for the Gold...literally. So here's my rendition of GREED:


The Money is Mine! It's all mine! (and its all fake money lol)

I used:
Naked Lunch/Goldmine on brow bone
Golden Olive pigment all over lid
Carbon/Humid in crease
Sprout/Carbon as bottom liner dragged down just a little
Pro long lash mascara
Trace Gold blush lightly dusted all over
Instant Gold lustreglass

Its not fantastic, but I got excited


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KristineBelle15
Hey ladies! I wanted to do Wrath. It screamed red and black to me, and I'm in a real red lip fix right now
I'm not all-pro like the majority of you all but I gave it a shot. So here goes:


I like it! You always smile and look so cute in your FOTDs and in this one you look mean. I think you got wrath down.


New member
good job guys... i have not clue which one i'm going to do, but i know i want to do one of them!!!


Well-known member
wow!!! kristinebelle and mac pixie, both your looks are awesome!!!
i remembered i did something similar to ANTM's "wrath" look, so here it is, altho with my silly "trying to look mean" face, idk if it looks more like wrath or envy. so here it is, and i'll try to make another one



Active member
I did Chastity LOL

I wanted to do something not done by Top Model. So I chose Chastity, since I am so NOT chaste LOL.

Got inspiriation from the story about chastity the fallen angel.

Pics are not too good as I could not find camera, so had to use cell phone.



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