Mine just arrived! I'm not home so my comments won't be indepth.
Face - I can definitely feel the inclusion of goat hair vs the cheek brush with all squirrel. (I opened cheek first so I'm biased.) It's making me want to invest in a full squirrel for face.
Cheek - I have two other Chikuhodo cheek brushes. This brush feels closest to my Z-4. The bristles feel silky on the back of my hand. Perfect for those with sensitive skin. The bamboo handle is very lightweight. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It feels hollow. My daily cheek brush is Tom Ford so perhaps I'm just thrown off. I prefer short handles for personal use - especially eye brushes so I don't bump the mirror when I lean in, however, most of my brushes are long handle.
Shader - More dense than I'd imagined. A bit of an oval head compared to my MAC 239. I already have a light hand so not sure I have a need for a packing brush that will require layers.
Blender - Very interested in using this little guy. He looks like an actual animal's tail. Hairs are long and pliable. This will only be for a very soft blend. If you use a light hand you can get a very precise, soft blend but if you apply pressure it may get a little messy/big. Might be best to use on lids of you're adding a lot of pressure.
Pencil - The pencil brush is stiff and scratchy. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to kinda break down the crustiness or what. I'll see what other people have to say before I do. Beautifully packaged. Lovely design. Will likely just sit in their box.

With me having darker skin I don't really have a need for brushes that remove the impact of pigment. I love the way squirrel hair feels, but I need hairs that will grab.