Jemma Kidd, Pixie, NP set NEW designer cosmetics @ Target


Well-known member
The prices are ridiculous. I def won't buy unless they're on sale. Which isn't going to be worth anything since it'll be gone by the time I get there with my luck...

So nope. Not interested.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I believe those are all "premium" brands in the UK and AUS that have made their way here and wound up at Target. Target has been really trying to distinguish itself from the Wal-Mart crowd by wooing buyers with "premium" designers exclusively for Target and now the makeup brands. Sephora carries Pixi (at least it used to) and I'm all for getting those new brands here. If Sephora won't carry them, then why not Target? I've got my eye on one of those Jemma Kidd shadows.

If anything, Target please carry Barry M stuff!!

I saw swatches and they look good, so maybe...


Well-known member
I'm curious...if the same product was featured in Sephora, would the prices be considered equally ridiculous?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AppleDiva
If anything, Target please carry Barry M stuff!!

I saw swatches and they look good, so maybe...

Barry M is AWFUL.. I hate the stuff!!


Well-known member
the pixi shadow palettes were nice...they were pigmented and nice colors and not too bad for $28 - considering that we pay $15 per shadow at MAC. My only beef was that everything was pretty shimmery. I also played with the NP eye liner...and it was LOVELY...but at $20 it was WAY too pricey for this gal!


Well-known member
I don't think the prices would be considered outrageous at Sephora, but Sephora has successfully branded itself a 'high-end' store, whereas Target is a sort of bridge between low-and-mid, depending on what you're shopping for. Their designer collaborations in terms of clothing have been pretty successful, for instance.

I suppose the difference is, people go into a Sephora prepared to spend twenty or so bucks on an eyeshadow, while people go into Target expecting a much cheaper thrill. Makeup shopping at Target is generally an impulse decision, while purchases made at Sephora are usually more thought-out. For a lot of people, an impulse buy isn't going to be a twenty dollar eyeshadow, it'll be more in the range of five bucks or so.

Also, Sephoras are few and far between for a lot of people, so to have more 'premium' makeup available at a large chain is a good thing for shoppers living in smaller towns. I think it's going to be successful for Target, if the products are good quality. Like I said, their clothing collaborations have been very well-received.

That all being said, I'm looking forward to trying out these lines, and I'm not turned off by the prices and them being available at Target. Where you buy something doesn't change the quality, and if they get good reviews I'm all for it! I hope at least one of them has some good primers and a range of foundation shades, because those are products sorely lacking in the usual drugstore fare.


Well-known member
Pixi was carried on Sephora for a short time...and the price points of the products are the same at Target as they were on Sephora.

Plus, there are actual testers - that's a first for Target!!


Well-known member
I saw these in target this past weekend, and swatched the napoleon perdis eyeshadow.. I wasn't impressed. The yellow one seemed really hard and I didn't get much pigment off of it. I definitely don't think it was worth $18. Our Sephora has never had these brands, but I don't think they would have impressed me there either. The Jemma Kidd and the Pixi looked kind of boring so I didn't stall at that display very long.

I'd give it a chance, but like I was telling my boyfriend, I'm not buying a product at target with that kind of price tag until I've gone home to google it first and make sure it's worth it. I prefer to buy at Sephora because you can ask a beauty consultant about the product, which helps make a pricier product easier to purchase.


Well-known member
I got one of the Jemma Kidd shadows today, it's really pretty and I don't have any other shadows that are exactly like it.

The color is called 'Artiste' and it's a mid-tone greenish color with some gold in it.. I swatched it next to the solid color of Fresh Green Mix MES and the JK is definitely more true green, whereas the MES looks more of a yellowish green. The closest MAC color I can compare it to would be Wondergrass maybe? (i dont own it though so I can only go by what I've seen online)

I will take swatch pics when I get home.

It goes on really smooth and creamy. As for staying power, I'll have to give it a true test tomorrow.
I'll let you gals know


Well-known member
I swatched the Jemma Kidd stuff yesterday, and the colors are really pretty with nice payoff. sorry I didn't think to take pics, I washed my hands before I though to do that.

I didn't buy any because

1. I was on a strict budget and couldn't anyway, and

2. The price point seemed odd in Target, especially for a line I'm not familiar with. It'll take a sale or a coupon for me to take the plunge.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
I just looked at the brands on and what the f!! Who the hell do these brands think they are?? Target is not Sephora, yo!!

The thing is, they are not drug store brands. They are considered on the same level as mac in the UK. Not too mention, Jemma Kidd is sold in Neiman Marcus as well. But I can understand why one would be shocked because places like Target don't usually carry non drug store make-up.

People should really try Jemma Kidd, its amazing.


Well-known member
My biggest issue with these lines being at Target is that the stock is always very poor (could just be my local Targets) and the gondolas so grody and not looked after that I don't trust that what I'm buying hasn't been pawed already (I have the same issue with WalMart). I'm more likely to buy online so that I don't have to worry about that......

All that said, I too had sticker shock - in fact, another lady looking at the same lines muttered 'who do they think is going to buy this at these prices?' - so is the stock out issue due to people buying it, or not buying it (and therefore these stores locally are not restocking)?


Well-known member
My Target has a bunch of Pixie and Jemma Kidd stuff marked down. Way down. I picked up a Jemma Kidd blush in a shade called "New York". The product was fine -- a matte, sort of tan/peach shade -- not sure if it's worth the original price (I paid $5). I don't know what that says about the future of these lines, but most likely the stuff on sale was just discontinued shades.

Oh, and for what it's worth, my Target has been selling Origins and Kiehls skincare for a couple years now. I thought it was odd at first -- actually, I questioned the legitimacy. It does look a little "picked over," but that's partly the nature of that particular store.


Well-known member
another thing about target vs. sephora - sephora has perks that target doesnt (like bonus samples, beauty insider, etc.) and sephora also has a very generous return poicy whereas the return policy at target is balls.

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