Jersey Shore on MTV


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Like many of you I got sucked into watching it when nothing was on tv. But please explain one thing to me.. what the hell is a guido??!!! I've heard new jersey is a really pretty place and I'd like to go there someday but not if i'm gonna be surrounded by people like that. lol.

Oh and that Mike "the situation" guy...yeeea. no comment there. I thought it was hilarious when he said its not about if I want to hook up with sammy its a matter of when I let her. or some shit like that. and then she hella dissed him and got with the other guy. I was laughin my ass off. Guess that's what he gets for bein so cocky!!


Well-known member
Italian- American or not (cause let's face it, not all of the are!) there is something about this type of person that offends me to my very core. It's like they go against everything i stand for as a human being. I've seen enough "guidos" in my day, with weird spiked hair, orange tans, greased up bodies and (now) covered in ed hardy. Hell, i have a cousin that is like some new super breed of guido... he's like a cartoon. Anyway, my point is they make me want to vomit. I'm not even joking. I can see why this show has sparked controversy. No one wants to indulge them except MTV. They are like some subset of American culture that we would all prefer to have hidden away and ignore.

Let me tell you about my cousin, just so i can try to make you all laugh at the embarrassment of my family. His mother is Italian (my uncle is Irish Canadian) and insane for unrelated reasons. They live in a very Italian neighbourhood in montreal. Apparently his type of "guidoism" is catching on here. He's 19, has a mullet/mohawk plus straight across fringe. He is dark haired and bleaches his bangs so that they are that weird reddish colour that dark hair lifts to. His naturally dark eyes are covered with horrendous blue contacts. He regularly wears rosaries as a necklace along with huge diamond studs and other "bling", acid washed jeans (or something similar), chest exposing button up shirts or ed hardy. Im pretty sure he also wears eyeliner. And for some reason he has taken to having the thickest fake italien accent i have ever heard. I wouldn't make fun of the kid if he were a decent human being, but i assure you, he is not. He is a spoiled rotten child, like most of these assclowns.

I'd post a picture, but thats too mean, even for me.
maybe later.

that is all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MaskedBeauty
Like many of you I got sucked into watching it when nothing was on tv. But please explain one thing to me.. what the hell is a guido??!!! I've heard new jersey is a really pretty place and I'd like to go there someday but not if i'm gonna be surrounded by people like that. lol.

Oh and that Mike "the situation" guy...yeeea. no comment there. I thought it was hilarious when he said its not about if I want to hook up with sammy its a matter of when I let her. or some shit like that. and then she hella dissed him and got with the other guy. I was laughin my ass off. Guess that's what he gets for bein so cocky!!

you can really visit NJ.. if you watch the first one you can even see that most of them never even been to the jersey shore before and they needed directions, etc. to get there.

i have to admit i do watch it, though i think that club karma made them go there.. i always went to the other club (bamboo) instead and we always even mentioned that nobody really seems to go to karma.
i've seen them filming on the boardwalk this summer and i knew it was gonna be bad news lol. but i'm a dork i mostly watch because i like to see places i've been to on tv lol.


Well-known member
I thought this show wasnt all that bad. It was kinda like the real world but for Italian Americans. Is it me or does Jwoww look homeless? I mean bitch...invest in a hair brush. I think that the sweetheart Sam is a cutie. I think that Italian women are gawjus but Jwoww looks like Nick Noltes mugshot lmfao.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
I thought this show wasnt all that bad. It was kinda like the real world but for Italian Americans. Is it me or does Jwoww look homeless? I mean bitch...invest in a hair brush. I think that the sweetheart Sam is a cutie. I think that Italian women are gawjus but Jwoww looks like Nick Noltes mugshot lmfao.

everytime i watch this all i wanna do is brush her hair


Well-known member
What gets me is how old JWoww looks.. I mean actually most of them look much older than they should, it said they were in their early 20s but JWoww looks so.. rough.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
What gets me is how old JWoww looks.. I mean actually most of them look much older than they should, it said they were in their early 20s but JWoww looks so.. rough.

I think its all the tanning that they do. I mean that has to take a toll on their bodies. I think the only normal looking one is Vinny but he needs deodorant. lol


Well-known member
I'm Italian-American from North Jersey and yes, I've hung out at the shore during the summer (and Atlantic City all year long!). The guidos seem to dominate the Seaside Heights and Belmar area, but there are all types down there. I remember hanging out on the boardwalk down south, the diners up north, and the clubs in NYC (with my awful fake ID from St Mark's Place) with my friends back in my 19-yickety schmickety during my punk rock days.

I feel a bit like I'm reliving my sketchy fashion mistake filled youth through these kids!


Well-known member
so they blacked out where that guy hit her.. after we all saw it many times.. :
what's really bad is that i go to that bar alot.. i did not realize that he hit her there!! it's not even that kind of place, it's more laid-back than anything i never saw a fight there.


Well-known member
The guy that punched Snookers got suspended from his job as a gym teacher in New York. Did you hear him complain to the cop that she punched him first? Uhm I didn't see that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
^they didnt even show it so i thought it was fake but i guess not.

they actually did show it in a preview but after some anti-violence groups were consulted they decided to not show the actual punching but the aftermath.

i cant believe the dude punched her in the face over a shot though like come on is it that serious to become that angry over?


Well-known member
i know, it's crazy! but it was in the real newspaper (as in not some tabloid) that the guy was NY gym teacher and suspended.
they showed it on E! last night (the part where he did hit her).


Well-known member
that was crazy. I can't believe he hit her. He did it like it was nothin. just bam. i'm like wtffffffff!!!!!!!!!??????

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
What kind of a guy punches a girl full force in the face?? The guy deserves more than a suspension from his job. Hope he's embarassed!


Well-known member
i thought it was fake! but they said he is a gym teacher in NY.. not exactly a role model


Well-known member
I thought it was funny that JWoww after it happened started hooking the guy or at least trying to .. I was like I for sure wouldn't wanna run into that chick in a dark alley.


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Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
YouTube - Snooki Street Fighter

I seen this about her getting punched. I know its not funny to make fun of her getting knocked out, but this vid is hilarious!

I won't be able to stop giggling when I play street fighter now.....

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