job again... :)


Well-known member
so from my last post about this I ended up going to the interview and it went fantastic so good that i got the job!
yey if i actually wanted it lol
its half of the hours I do now so not suitable
anyway i have to ring back and ive never been in this situation. how do I go about sayin yes thank you very much but i don't want the job? lol


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
"Thank you for taking the time to interview with me. As flattered as I am by your offer, I'm sorry to say I cannot accept at this time."

I'd just keep it short and to the point.


Well-known member
Yeah I would say something along those lines too. Like “Thank you for your time and for giving me this opportunity, unfortunately, I am unable to accept it at this time” and if they ask if there is anything they can do or change to have you take it then express your concerns about needing more hours and chances are they will understand.


Well-known member
thanks for the replies

i did say something like i cant accept at this moment in time. and she sed she had been thinking and would i accept if it was 20 hrs she was very understanding in that i needed more time to think about that and i accepted !

now its just the problem of telling where i work now.... lol


Well-known member
Yay! Glad that you communicated your concern about the job and why you weren't accepting the offer and she countered with an increase in hours!

Telling your current job is the easy part, just tender your two weeks resignation in written form to your immediate manager. I never say too much, I just let them know I enjoyed my time with the company but I'm moving on to a better position and this is formal notice of my resignation.

Good luck!


Well-known member
heh thanks for all your replies

i did tell my boss and she offered me more hours which i declined because i could see it happening that i would end up being there forever which i don't want
but even if i hate the new job at least i get to find out