Job Dilemma


Well-known member
I currently work on a shoe department in a large department store. I have been moved onto mens shoes (yawn) with the promise of moving the department into a better location where i would make LOADS of commission. However found out this isnt actually happening until AUGUST when i was told may. because i didnt plan on staying there that long as i need a full time job i was annoyed because until that time my pay is half of what it was working on the ladies shoes.
So today i passed a notice in a shoe shop and went in to enquire, except it was one of them situations that you end up agreeing to and you can't stop yourself lol
so after 5 mins i come out somehow with a interview for the concession of the shop
however the concession is right next door to where i work
as in you can't tell where one department ends and the other begins. talk about awkward

so my question is do i go along for the interview and see if my rate of pay would improve with the other department even though theres a chance of being 'caught' by my manager or someone i work with and theres the whole horrible 'aftermath' of why was i having a interview

also would i get in any sort of trouble if i was 'caught'

and finally at the interview im thinking the question will arise of why i want to leave i can't say cos i need more money and its so desperatley mind numbingly boring downstairs so any pointers??

thanks alot in advance


Well-known member
If I were you, just tell your manager that you've got an interview. If they ask why, tell the truth- because you need a better position, and they're offering what you were promised by this company. (If i understood that correctly, that is)

I don't know how things work where you live, but here it's generally considered polite just to give a manager a 'heads up' just in case you might be leaving. It's nothing personal, and nothing fire-able. You have to do what is right for you, just don't burn bridges in the process.

Anyway, good luck with the interview!!


Well-known member
i wouldnt say anything at all!! even if you can trusth him/her. you do it alone and 'in the shadows' :p
anyway girl, work is about making money and experience not about liking the other people who works with you when they promissed something and you havent got it yet.
think selfish! you need something better and maybe this other job is the one for you, dont let it go!
good luck!!!!!