Job Gone Wrong! Urghhh!

Ok so I had an interview for MAC store for a perm position...(Made it to the DEMO) yay! The same week MAC in SAKS calls and asks me to freelance. I told them that I was in the process of trying to get on at the main MAc store in the same mall and she said ok, well let me know how things turn out. Then a week later I find out that the spot had been filled..."I think by a freelance artist that had moved up". So the manager tells me that she really likes me and that I was MAC ready and she was talking to the Counter manager at Dillards MAC counter to get me on over there. I was thinking OH NO!! I worked for Dior there for 2yrs but I left after finding out I was preggo and didn't stay the whole two weeks becauase I was so sick! SO my fiance is a manager at dillards. He knew the counter manager and asked one of the dillards exects how the hiring process went. She said "we don't have anything to do with the hiring process at that counter, they do every thing themselves". I thought GREAAATT! So I went in and interviewed and got hired! OMG, I was so happy! I was sitting there filling out paper work and the counter manager walks up to me and says. I have bad news!
YOU AREN"T ELIGIBLE FOR REHIRE HERE AT DILLARDS. OMG, I liked to died right there. After all that I'm still without a job. So she says she will call SAKS and see if they still need someone. Later on she called my fiance' since she knows him and says that the SAKS MNGR was on Vacation. So now im waiting again to see what happens. I'm praying so hard for this job. I haven't worked in two years. I have an associates in business and my cosmetology license. I've been on so many interviews its sad. But this is the job I want soo bad. Just goes to show you that your actions will bite you in the butt if you don't do something the right way.


Well-known member
Oh, I'm sorry! I hope that you can find a position soon! Did they say why you weren't eligible for re-hire?
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Oh, I'm sorry! I hope that you can find a position soon! Did they say why you weren't eligible for re-hire?

Yeah, It was because after putting in my notice I didnt stay the full 2 weeks.