Job interview questions


New member
Hi, everybody, I hope you guys can help me out
I went to sephora last monday and spoke to the manager about filling an application, she gave me one and when I returned to give it to her she asked me if i could come for a group interview tomorrow..
The group interview was very laid back and the questions were rather easy, so she said to give them a week and we will hear from them as to wether we got it or not, so she called me THAT SAME DAY and asked me to come for an interview with the store director the next day, I WAS SOOOO EXCITED, so i went the next day to the interview with the store director and we totally hit it off, she was talking about the store and its policy, the discounts they get, the goals they have to meet and the bonuses they get if they meet them, so needless to say she got me so excited, so the last thing she said was that they needed to check my references, and she asked me to tell my references to call them so they could get in touch more easily,
so the moment i got out of the store I called and my references got back to them that same day and the other one the next day, because she said they only neede two references, and that was last friday, and today is monday and i still didn't hear from them, am I being impatient?

It totally felt like im getting the job, but im so excited I CAN'T WAITTT!!!!

Thanks, any comment will be appreciated!


Active member
YAY!!! sounds like everything is taking shape. Just make sure to follow up if you do not hear from the SD (store director) in a week or so. At times managers get busy with other things and often forget, and it takes time for them to call references. Also make an impression... Have you shopped at this Sephora location before your interview? If not, go in there and play, explore the products that they sell and make friends. I was a trainer for a brand in Sephora and the management team would always hire people that were avid customers because they knew their products even before they were formally trained.

You are heading on the right track... just do your research and you'll be set up for success!!!
