Join in, please: Today is great because ----?


Well-known member
hehe, Valentine's day (of course)

and.. we got Directv DVR hooked up today!!! yay!!!
no more setting up the VCR! so stoked!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Today is great...because
  1. I woke up in a lot of pain, but it went away.
  2. my son is so happy on his internships
  3. a new episode of LOST is on tonight


Well-known member
Today is great because...

I have a healthy little girl who loves me to death!
I have the most wonderful fiance/baby daddy in the world!
I have the most loving and supportative friends and family a person could ever ask for.
I'm able to enjoy and appreciate everything I have at my age.
I am alive.
I'm loved!


Well-known member
Today is great because...

*The sun is shining.
*I got to wear alot of my new Barbie stuff today
*I had a "get a free true blue spa item" coupon from bath and body works and saved more than I spent.
*The vast majority of drivers on the road were not completely stupid.
*The sandwich I got from Panera for lunch was delish
*My mom is taking an interest (or at least trying to) in makeup and stuff like that. She even footed the bill for my Mac stuff (which came to about $140 including new foundation)


Well-known member
Today is great because...

I have an interview next Thursday. The recruiter called me last night, 9:08 pm, to be exact. I applied for this job a month ago, I took and passed all the necessary tests two weeks ago. From what I understood this company is very difficult to get a permanent position. I have been a contract employee for 1.5 years.

There's a gentleman that has expressed some interest, genuine, and that's always nice.

I got accepted to Cal Poly Pomona's Landscape Architecture program and will be starting in the Fall.

2005-2006 I went through a lot of stuff (life) and the struggle, tears, set backs have all been worth it. I learned a lot about myself. And continue to do so.


Well-known member
I am enjoying the great weather today even though I am stuck inside studying!

I have a wonderful mother who cares about me and calls me just to see how I'm coping!

After 5 years of dealing with roommates, I am living on my own and loving it!


Well-known member
mine is very self-indulgent and materialistic today.

today is great because i (finally, after 2 years of thinking about it) bought a CAR! vroom vroom!
it's so exciting.

i'm not that pleased at adding another car to the raod, but it's a small car with goog fuel economy and a catalytic converter for less emissions. i've really gotten to the the point where i need one if i want to be really independant, as where i work and where i will be living for a while aren't so fantastic on public transport.


Well-known member
It is a good day today because the cold spell is broken! It is going to be in the 40s today. And 60 by Sunday.


Well-known member
Today is great because

- my Senior Capstone presentation will be done with in a few hours.
- I'll graduate college in 14 weeks



Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
Today is great because...
*The vast majority of drivers on the road were not completely stupid.



Well-known member
...because I just called the MAC counter and asked them to hold 2 Rite of Spring eyeshadows for me as backups since I love this color so damn much... and they only had two left! Just in the nick of time! *whew*

...because it's sunny

...because my husband is a cutie

...because I had a great surprise party for my best friend this weekend and she didn't suspect a thing!


Well-known member
because I made it through work.

because I was able to make some people smile.

because I only have to wait 1 more day and I'll be off for 3!!


Well-known member
...because Britney Spears is still in rehab! Yay for Brit! I hope she sticks with it this time around...perhaps 3 times is the charm!


Well-known member
because i slept until 10 a.m , and i had candies as breakfast in my bed while watching tv =)


Well-known member
Today is great because:

- I had a great review in school today...except that I said something about getting my art history classes "out of the way" front of the dean of the department....who also happens to be one of the art history professors...whoops! I didn't know who he was!
I am just not a history person at all...

-My family is healthy


Well-known member
I'll add another. Today is great because... I am thankful to still have my job. My company is going through lay offs right now.


Well-known member
Thanks for reviving this thread!

Today is great because:
  • I'm waiting for MAC to call about my interview from Monday
  • My husband is picking our daughter up after work, which gives me an hour FREE!
  • I recently started Weight Watchers and I feel GREAT!
  • And last but not least, I just ate a Hostess 100 Calorie Pack little cupcake thing and it was tasty.


Well-known member
Today is great because...

I woke up actually refreshed.
I had dance class, and I'm still loving it.
I get to my love later on

It's one day closer to my photoshoot (SAT! wootwoot!)
It's one day closer and 5 degrees closer so spring and summer weather!