Originally Posted by DominicanBarbie
Kuuipo which section in Philly? My husband is from around that area and I love it. I shop on south street all the time and go clubbin there too. I drive a BMW and always have my chanels purse and glasses and nothing has ever happend to me. I'm not saying things don't happen but I think if you act like a target you are a target. Don't walk with a weapon walk with confidence. My mother in law won't carry a purse when she visits my family in ny and we always laugh about it.
I don't look like a target. I used to buy gold and stones on Samson Street(I made jewelry for shows) and I also worked on Arch Street tattooing in the mid 80's. It was skid row then. I've only had to pull a gun and use it once when a fellow tried to hold up the tattoo parlour. He changed his mind. The police arrested him. Arch Street was all drunks, druggies and massage parlours before they put up the Convention Center, and all those Yuppie buildings. I feel free to walk through Camden, North Philly, West Philly, etc with no Glock in my waistband and no one bothers me because I know where I am and where I am going.
South Street was cool in the 80's. Now its Yuppieville, the GAP, etc...its too gentrified to be fun. Its very safe and well patrolled. It has a great Whole Foods and SuperFresh. South Street is very safe and very well patrolled. I lived on Arch and 11th.
Anyway, Juicy is cute, but it is associated with a younger demographic .