Jury Duty makeup ban


Well-known member
That's strange!!?? Am I slow bc I just don't get the logic behind that!?? I would just wear makeup anyways, atleast foundation, powder, the basics. I RARELY leave the house with NOTHING on! It seems like as long as you don't show up with c-shock eyes and dazzleglass lips, you should be good, haha!


Well-known member
I would show up dressed like a Vegas show girl - I can't decide if someone is innocent or guilty with out make up on


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vcanady
That's strange!!?? Am I slow bc I just don't get the logic behind that!?? I would just wear makeup anyways, atleast foundation, powder, the basics. I RARELY leave the house with NOTHING on! It seems like as long as you don't show up with c-shock eyes and dazzleglass lips, you should be good, haha!

I don't think it's that they can't wear makeup, but that you shouldn't bring a bunch with you. I normally only have a tube of l/s and a l/g in my purse, and I wouldn't change that because of the list of what not to bring; however, it also wouldn't be the end of the world. For jury duty, I would keep my makeup very basic & neutral personally.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choozen1ne
I would show up dressed like a Vegas show girl -

LOL. Great idea..I've been thinking of ways to come off as crazy as possible. I wouldn't be lying anyway though :)

I can wear it there, just can't bring things to touch it up with. I usually carry powder with me,l/s and l/g. I guess the only thing I could take now is blotting paper


Well-known member
yeah i agree with cobi. i think lol if you wanted to show up like a show girl you could. just don't have your bag full of makeup for touch ups. I'd just bring a l/s and gloss to hell with their rules. thats dumb. but i'm thinking you could WEAR it.
are you limited on cell phone, wallet items too??


Well-known member
thats crazy, i was on the grand jury for 6mths, if they woulda told us some nonsense like that that woulda had to hold me in contempt lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsButterfli
thats crazy, i was on the grand jury for 6mths, if they woulda told us some nonsense like that that woulda had to hold me in contempt lol

6 months!? That sounds awful. Was it a murder trial? No makeup,cell phones, cameras,it was a long list!


Well-known member
I am dying to do jury duty for whatever reason-I've always wanted to do it! I bet I'll go through life never getting the op

I find law so interesting...crime too, even though it's an awful thing, it awes me.

I would probably cry if they told me I couldn't wear makeup, but it seems you're allowed to wear it, just not bring your bag with you?!! That's not that bad-this is why I love my primers!


Well-known member
They don't want you to bring anything that could possibly hold hidden recording devices or weapons. In Houston, we have to go through the gates of hell just to get through to the jury room. It's more secure than the airport. It's totally ridiculous. Money, id and necessary medication is all that is allowed in your purse.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prettysecrets
6 months!? That sounds awful. Was it a murder trial? No makeup,cell phones, cameras,it was a long list!

we were a "special" grand jury and we heard everything, a murder case, insurance fraud, auto theft, racketeering all kinds of stuff. it was only two days a week for those six months, wasnt that bad but being that i work nights, being up in the morning was horrible lol. i had a car accident and was out a month, i thought i was gonna get off but NOPE still had to report back. we watched movies in between cases cuz one of the dudes bought a portable dvd player and we had a big screen tv in the room lol. i woulda died if i couldnt bring my blackberry in, but they didnt ban us from bringing anything in tho


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
They don't want you to bring anything that could possibly hold hidden recording devices or weapons.

I've heard of Coco Chanel's statement about lipstick being a woman's secret weapon, but I never thought law enforcement would take it that seriously!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
I've heard of Coco Chanel's statement about lipstick being a woman's secret weapon, but I never thought law enforcement would take it that seriously!

Damn straight, if the law saw me in my "Bombshell" lippie, I'd probably get arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. I can put the hurt on just about anyone in that lipstick!!!!!!!!!!

I think perhaps the powers that be at the courthouse have watched too much MacGyver.