Well-known member
what the fuck is wrong with my generation?
i just got a text from a girl who's always claimed to be my best friend saying that it was my fault we never talk anymore, though she's the one who won't answer my calls or text. her reason for it being my fault, and i quote: "if u cared u wouldnt have been consumed with ur job. thats all u care about anymore" when i replied to her with "sorry i grew up, then. life isn't all fun and games. i've got bills to pay" she says "balance. thats what u need"
hold the motherfucking phone.
i'm nineteen years old and have a car insurance bill, a gas bill, a phone bill, utilities, food to pay for, clothes to buy, car parts to buy to keep my car running, a dog to take care of, two cats to take care of, health insurance to pay for, dental and vision insurance to pay for and anything else i might need. the only thing i don't pay for is rent because i live with my parents and even that's being taken away within a matter of months. i don't mind, i'm an adult i should have bills. i work full time and take all the overtime i can get because the more money i have, the easier it is to make the bills and the less stress i have making my ass sick. i don't have a job, i have a career and anytime i can advance that, i do...i don't see anything wrong with that.
she's nineteen as well, working less than twenty hours a week and driving a brand new car she doesn't pay for. she doesn't pay for any of her bills, just for concert tickets when she goes to them. the biggest problem she's ever faced in her entire fucking life is whether she should wear blue or green to impress some piss ant dipshit in a band she considers god. oh wait, she takes one class at community college every now and again...i forgot, i guess maybe that's her big stressful issue.
are people just not growing up anymore or what?
is it just the new thing to leech off mommy and daddy?
i just got a text from a girl who's always claimed to be my best friend saying that it was my fault we never talk anymore, though she's the one who won't answer my calls or text. her reason for it being my fault, and i quote: "if u cared u wouldnt have been consumed with ur job. thats all u care about anymore" when i replied to her with "sorry i grew up, then. life isn't all fun and games. i've got bills to pay" she says "balance. thats what u need"
hold the motherfucking phone.
i'm nineteen years old and have a car insurance bill, a gas bill, a phone bill, utilities, food to pay for, clothes to buy, car parts to buy to keep my car running, a dog to take care of, two cats to take care of, health insurance to pay for, dental and vision insurance to pay for and anything else i might need. the only thing i don't pay for is rent because i live with my parents and even that's being taken away within a matter of months. i don't mind, i'm an adult i should have bills. i work full time and take all the overtime i can get because the more money i have, the easier it is to make the bills and the less stress i have making my ass sick. i don't have a job, i have a career and anytime i can advance that, i do...i don't see anything wrong with that.
she's nineteen as well, working less than twenty hours a week and driving a brand new car she doesn't pay for. she doesn't pay for any of her bills, just for concert tickets when she goes to them. the biggest problem she's ever faced in her entire fucking life is whether she should wear blue or green to impress some piss ant dipshit in a band she considers god. oh wait, she takes one class at community college every now and again...i forgot, i guess maybe that's her big stressful issue.
are people just not growing up anymore or what?
is it just the new thing to leech off mommy and daddy?