
Well-known member
Yesterday my 13 year old came and said he lost his phone.
His brand new.
The goddamned iTunes phone from Cingular.
The one that ISN'T INSURABLE.
The one that was not really lost (he doesn't lose ANYTHING)...it was stolen out of his bedroom by one of his 'friends'.
We KNOW which kid it was.
We can't PROVE it with anything but circumstantial evidence.
This is the second HIGH DOLLAR thing (THIS PHONE IS SIXHUNDREDFUCKING DOLLARS BRAND NEW!) that's gone missing from my house in the past three months.
LUCKY for me, Cingular messed up and left insurance on my account when we upgraded (we got the phone for 30 bucks at upgrade at compusa and he paid for it, I can't argue) so they went ahead and spotted getting us a new one but GODDAMMIT YOU FUCKING STICKY FINGERED LITTLE BASTARD. OH my GRIEF I am so mad right now about this.

Yesterday I was cool...because it wasn't my kid's fault. He didn't leave it laying about while they were out playing or anything, he just made the mistake of trusting someone.

I'm still pissed.

And getting moreso.

Little putz needs to NOT show up at my house anytime soon, I'll hand him his ass on a fucking platter.


Well-known member
I hate thieves.. For awhile in high school everyone was taking my things. Its so common now which is really screwed up.
Now i'm so careful. I don't like anyone in my house either. Its a shame too, because i like 'friends'. You can't trust anyone. What other thing went missing?


Well-known member
oh hell no, you should definitely call his mother and let her know if she sees a SIX HUNDRED DOLLAR PHONE lying around, there is good reason to think it your sons.

i commend you not being mad at your son, my mom would have totally grilled my ass either way.

im curious to know what else went missing...


Well-known member
His parents are...how shall we say...less than classy? Very borderline white trash. Several kids. Very poor.

I know what he did. He took the phone and sold it so he could have some spare cash, because in his mind, helllllllllo we have lots of money.

Look you spastic little punk, we work HARD for what we have. GRRR.

The other thing was my husband's airsoft weapon. 120 dollar toy that he got for christmas. Went missing out of the blue.

Same day the kid went through the house in the a.m. before school to 'use the bathroom'.
He's not allowed in my house.
If he comes over again, I might kick the living shit out of him. Ok, not literally but definitely figuratively.

Ohhh. I hate theives.


Well-known member
I am the militant mom,.. I would have marched down to the kids' house,.. had a heated heart to heart with his mother and asked if she would search his room while I was in attendance,.. then I would have asked her to have him write an apology letter to my son for stealing something from him,.. (Specially if he paid for it himself.) and then I would have banned the kid from my house and entire property for eternity,..

Unfortunately,.. My son decided to wash his phone,..namely forgot to remove it from his shorts before putting it in the washer,.. thankfully he did not have an expensive one,.. only a couple hundred and it was insured,.. but now I feel stupid for insuring it because now it is gonna be cheaper to upgrade/replace it and get into a new contract,.. (He better thank his lucky stars that I also need to upgrade anyway).

But it has been an expensive month,.. He broke the passenger mirror on my car, washed his phone,.. and countless other dollar accumulating things and they were totally his fault. So at least you can do something about it by banning that kid from your house!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
I am the militant mom,.. I would have marched down to the kids' house,.. had a heated heart to heart with his mother and asked if she would search his room while I was in attendance,.. then I would have asked her to have him write an apology letter to my son for stealing something from him,.. (Specially if he paid for it himself.) and then I would have banned the kid from my house and entire property for eternity,..

Unfortunately,.. My son decided to wash his phone,..namely forgot to remove it from his shorts before putting it in the washer,.. thankfully he did not have an expensive one,.. only a couple hundred and it was insured,.. but now I feel stupid for insuring it because now it is gonna be cheaper to upgrade/replace it and get into a new contract,.. (He better thank his lucky stars that I also need to upgrade anyway).

But it has been an expensive month,.. He broke the passenger mirror on my car, washed his phone,.. and countless other dollar accumulating things and they were totally his fault. So at least you can do something about it by banning that kid from your house!

I'm not done yet.
I will be making an appearance at that kid's house. Today or tomorrow.
I REALLY need to cool down before doing so though because yeah. I'll rip his fucking head off.


Well-known member
ita with glittergoddess... i'd go to his home and speak with his parents and get my stuff back. that's ridiculous. i'd also speak with your son and let him know not to have them over unless u are home. then again, teenagers don't listen do they.. i know i didn't when i was a teenager.. maybe this will teach him a lesson tho! u go shimmer!!!!!


Well-known member
We've had a lot of problems with stealing at my school recently, you'd think b/c it's private it wouldn't happen, especially with out honest policy, but we still have no idea who has been doing it. I hope everything goes well when you visit the boy's mother, because that is riddiculous. I always wish my extreme paranoia of losing my phones/clothes/makeup is completely riddiculous but a lot of times it isn't =/


Well-known member
he's definitely learned a lesson.

there are some interesting developments in this story...I'll post more about them later...


Staff member
Originally Posted by shimmer
If he comes over again, I might kick the living shit out of him. Ok, not literally but definitely figuratively.

Sorry, but that really made me chuckle. Good Luck with this! I know how extremely pissed off I would be and for you to be able to joke along with your anger is good. We had a similar situation at one of my son's friends houses. $$ was missing after someone had been in a room they shouldn't have. They wouldn't fess up to it, but everyone knew who did it and she wasn't allowed there again.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Jeez =| that's well bad! I had a friend over several times and everytime he's been over, something of mine would be missing and i was so pissed that when i go to his place, i'd steal my stuff back but his mother wouldnt do anything for him cos she knew it was mine. ugh i dont see him no more.

I sure hope you managed to get to the boy before he sells it.

I know this one isnt about an object, it's about a pony. My cousin got a really pretty lil pony and she loves it totally but her mom made her part loan the pony out to this girl and what annoyed me and my cousin was that the girl was going around everywhere saying she's got a new pony and brought her friends round regularly to see her, this really made my cuz angry, she tried to tell my aunt what the girl was doing but it fell on deaf ears, now she moved her pony somewhere else and the girl doesnt bother with the pony now, and all she did was ride it, utterly refused to do the hard stuff so it was hilarious when my cuz forced her to do some poo picking hahaha.

Children are thieving little buggers


Well-known member
i hate kids! ugh. my dad refuses to let my youngest brother's friends (wannabe thugs) in the house, especially after what happened to a family friend.

This kid lives in a gated community, one day his dad had to stop at the house to pick something up, he thought he heard noise upstairs, but figured it was his son, so he yells upstairs so the kid doesn't get scared, gets his stuff, and leaves. OH it wasn't his son, it was some "friends" from school who decided to break-in & take stuff. Those kids are lucky their heads are still attached b/c when he found out, he took his son & went to each of their houses w/ a copy of the police report & ripped into the parents.

My other brother has had several video games just *poof* vanish & when they questioned the youngest, he got pissed that we accused his "friend" of stealing. if it wasn't the friend it was him, & that's 10000x worse. i'm so glad he's going off to college & his loser friends are going be hanging out at their parents house, maybe he'll get better friends.

if i was that kid, i'd be afraid, very very afraid.


Well-known member
Shimmer I am so so sorry, and i totally understand you're pissed off as hell, and please forgive me for this but i have to confess, the way you wrote it all made me chuckle :s
i know it's no laughing matter, and go give that little f*ucker some serious lesson, and his mom!


Well-known member
I get on a rant, and bring out the humor in the situation so I don't kill anyone.

The phone 'magically' appeared, after the ins was filed. *shrug* After conversations with the parent and then conversation with the kid...yeah, the phone showed up in a neighbor's yard today.

Considering how absolutely sure my kid was that he DID NOT TAKE the phone out the other day (the battery was deaddd so he didn't see the point, and I belive him...) there's something fishy with the situation.

The phone's back, that's what counts.
However, the child in question is no longer welcome in my home.


Well-known member
dang, this is interesting..

hmm. so you get to pay the $50 bucks on your bill for insurance claim and your son gets to use his own phone? lameeeeeeee. that kid sucks!


Well-known member
Man! Glad the phone is back, but sorry for the stress.

Theives! I have no tolerance for shit like that! I work tooo f'ing hard for what I have. Sad thing is, it really doesn't matter where you are or who you are around, there is always someone who is lacking in morals. I grew up in (what became) a very wealthy area and there were kids that were constantly getting in trouble for stealing stupid shit that they could have purchased 50 times over. My mother was recently burgalarized TWICE by some shitbag I went to school with. He was caught the second time and I recognized his name on the police report. Now my mom is uncomfortable and they had to spend a ridiculous amount on a security system and add'l measures.

Shimmer, I totally feel for you and applaud your decision to cool down before planning to approach his parents. Going into discussions like that whilst all worked up does nothing but exacerbate the situation and depending on who you are talking to, it could make the situation quite dangerous for yourself.